View Full Version : Fishchick's New imports
Tue Dec 22, 2009, 04:29 AM
Just picked up...a pair of
A. sp Abacaxis (Wilhelmi)
Taeniacara candidi
and she has a tank full of Dicrossus maculatus that I almost missed....
A.sp "Rio Mamore"[maciliensis (red tail)?] ....I think these will be next
Apistogramma gephyra......look nice
....wasn't game to look in anymore :twisted:
"gingerbeer" had a picnic too!
Tue Dec 22, 2009, 05:45 AM
I asked her about the abacaxis...she said they were all spoken for...I have you to blame :D
Tue Dec 22, 2009, 05:55 AM
Now we are got the Inca's
Jodi says there will be more next shipment..... :wink:
Tue Dec 22, 2009, 06:02 AM
Now we are got the Inca's
Jodi says there will be more next shipment..... :wink:
Yippeee :D
Tue Dec 22, 2009, 07:16 AM
I picked up a pair of the Apistogramma gephyra today.
The "female" is already out and about exploring the quarentine tank, but the male has taken up residence in a hollow log and is pretty timid.
The A. sp Abacaxis (Wilhelmi) look like they will be very nice fish.
And one of the male Apistogramma juruensis sp. "Black-chin" was really coloured up and looking very nice. There was also a very yellow female jurensis in the tank.
Tue Dec 22, 2009, 08:13 AM
Everytime I went there for the last month or so I looked at the sp "Fresa" and said no I will not buy. oops!! But I got a real nice male.
Hoping the "wilhemi" are a pair - not 100% sure yet.
Looked seriously at the candidi - don't think they will last long.
Wed Dec 23, 2009, 09:38 AM
And one of the male Apistogramma juruensis sp. "Black-chin" was really coloured up and looking very nice. There was also a very yellow female jurensis in the tank.
Well the pair isn't there any longer. I couldn't resist them, and went back today and bought them. He really is a nice looking fish.
While there this afternoon, had a good look at the imported pair of trifasciata. I reckon the male is a dead ringer for this photo, from Martin and Toms' apisto site. Not that I'm suggesting the pair are Apistogramma cf. trifasciata (Argentina).
Wed Dec 23, 2009, 02:00 PM
Just picked up...a pair of
A. sp Abacaxis (Wilhelmi)
Taeniacara candidi
Well done Rod. Consider me an extremely lush shade of envy green! :lol:
Would love to see some pics of the sp. Rio Mamore if anyone can get them from instore.
Wed Jan 06, 2010, 11:13 AM
Cut n Paste job...
Have had a few requests about the next shipment - due to arrive next week.
This is what has been ordered.
Please let me know if anything interests you.
There is no guarantee that the fish will arrive alive, survive quarantine etc - but we can keep our fingers crossed!
Apisto agassizi flemengo
Apisto baenschi "diamond"
Apisto cacatuoide triple red
Apistogramma eunotus
Apistogramma borellii
Apistogramma bitaeniata
Apistogramma Inka 50
Apistogramma martini
Apistogramma nijessni
Apistogramma painted face (possibly A. sp. Masked/Masken
AKA Apache)
Apistogramma pandurini
Apistogramma purple (possibly this fish
Apisto cacatuoides orange
Hengeli rasbora
Peru Altum
Corydoras axelrodi
Corydoras aeneus Albino
Corydoras ambiacus (very pretty)
Corydoras pygmaeus
Corydoras atropersonatus
Corydoras sterbai
Anostomus Anostomus
Cardinal tetra (tank bred, not farmed)
Ornate Tetra
Green Fire Tetra
Dwarf Pencilfish (Nannostomus marginatus)
Red Pencilfish Type I (Nannostomus mortenthhaleri Type I)
Red Pencilfish Type II (Nannostomus mortenthhaleri Type II)
Dwarf Stone Sucker
Neon Tetra (tank bred, not farmed)
Ember Tetra
Best regards, Jodi-Lea
Fishchick Aquatics
Bettas of Distinction
17/478 Ipswich Road
Annerley QLD 4103
ph: 07 3848 9585
Thu Jan 07, 2010, 03:03 AM
I missed out seeing fishchicks when I was up in QLD over the holidays. Really annoyed, but I suppose they cant be open ALL the time just for me. Where do they import from? Germany, Malaysia or other Asian sources?
Thu Jan 07, 2010, 05:09 AM
Wild caught fish are transhipped through SE Asia, tank raised fish are from Thailand.
Sun Jan 10, 2010, 01:07 AM
hi All
Just back from two weeks holidays in Bris and NSW coast. I did manage to make it into FishChick (with kids in tow!) for a little bit whileI was up in Bris. What a fabulous assortment of Apisto's - I have never seen a shop with so many varieties in one place it was great. Very tempted to buy something but a bit hard to get it home.
Got back home to a dead female A. agassizi tefe :( and a spawn of A baenschi. , about 30 fry being carefully escorted about the tank. :D
Sun Jan 10, 2010, 08:46 AM
hi All
Just back from two weeks holidays in Bris and NSW coast. I did manage to make it into FishChick (with kids in tow!) for a little bit whileI was up in Bris. What a fabulous assortment of Apisto's - I have never seen a shop with so many varieties in one place it was great. Very tempted to buy something but a bit hard to get it home.
Got back home to a dead female A. agassizi tefe :( and a spawn of A baenschi. , about 30 fry being carefully escorted about the tank. :D
G'day Steph
congratulations on your spawn and commiserations for your loss. I wouldn't imagine an easy replacement. However...
If you find yourself interstate and discover fish you simply must have, buy them and when you get to the airport ship them to yourself with AAE - this is the only way you'll manage it. But I suppose you knew this already eh' ? Just a casual note really for those who may not have known. Obviously the fish a freighted on the plane you travel home on!
Sun Jan 10, 2010, 03:21 PM
I am pretty sure Jodi-Lea does air frieght apistos. You could contact Jodi-Lea via her website and find out the price of shipping some of the species you're intersted in.
Someone could also suggest to Jodi-Lea she put more apsito YouTube videos on her site. The only one at the moment is a pair Apistogramma Bitaeniata "Yellow" Wild Caught Peru ( He's much nicer looking in person though. I plan on getting a pair from the next shipment.
Sun Jan 10, 2010, 09:42 PM
I can confirm that Fishchick does ship Apistos.
Mon Jan 11, 2010, 05:44 AM
If you find yourself interstate and discover fish you simply must have, buy them and when you get to the airport ship them to yourself with AAE - this is the only way you'll manage it. But I suppose you knew this already eh' ? Just a casual note really for those who may not have known. Obviously the fish a freighted on the plane you travel home on!
thanks for the tip Hassles, unfortunately we were driving home, via a 5 day camping trip near Port Macquarie. I did consider the bucket and battery powered air pump option but I reckon it would have been more stressful on me than the fish ;)
I had a nice chat with Jodi-Lea while I was in the shop and will go teh airfreight option once I get my tank space and shelving sorted out.
BTW if anyone is into Angels they had some lovely wild caught angels, beautiful colour and striping and really quite feisty.
Sat Mar 06, 2010, 07:10 AM
First time I have been allowed out for a while. Went to visit Fishchicks.
I can't believe people haven't jumped all over the Apistogramma sp Masken - they are the real deal with beautiful colour in the faces.
The colour in the Panduro are outstanding as well.
Probably the pick of the fish for me this visit.
I was picking up females for species I alreaddy have so resisted.
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