View Full Version : Water temp and Discus health.

Sat Dec 19, 2009, 12:06 PM
I have read a few posts where increasing the water temp was recommended to help various different illnesses and infections. I was wondering, is it a good idea to occaisionaly increase the water temp to say 34 degrees or so for a few days, to fend off diseases and so on, then back down to the regular 28 degrees or so?
What temps are the healthiest for Discus, not best colour, or best breeding, but healthiest or most immune to disease, best growth?

Sat Dec 19, 2009, 02:59 PM
No, do not do this. Give the fish stability, they do not need their environment changed, only water changes. Yes, raising the temperature in some cases can help, but not a thing you should do as a preventative measure.
Discus are best at between 28 to 30 degrees.

Sat Dec 19, 2009, 09:05 PM
OK, no worries, 30 degrees it is.