View Full Version : HELP discus not eating for around 3 wks

Fri Dec 18, 2009, 09:30 PM
I keep 3 discus (2blue T's one red T) in a 3' tank with a few tetras. The fish are around 2.5 years old and one of them has gone off his food. When I first noticed it I left him in the tank for a about ten days and he became quite dark. I have since removed him into a hospital tank (large plastic box with sponge filter) bumped the temp to 31c and started treatment with meds. I have used jungle internal parasite guard which is a mixture of salt, metro and prazi. I have used 3 doses as per instructions but my fish still doesn't eat. His color has returned to normal though.

I'm a little lost as to what I should do next. Should I return him to his tanakmates to see if he fares better with company.
please help I don't want to lose this fish

feed- tetra bits and frozen brine shrimp
no nitrite or ammonia
nitrates 10
temp usually 28 in planted, bumped up in hospital tank

Fri Dec 18, 2009, 10:27 PM
I would put him back with the others .They dont like being on there own .
Just keep an eye on him when hes back with the others it can take a couple of days for him to start eating again with the group .

Sat Dec 19, 2009, 02:26 AM
try get a nice big bit of beefheart i had the same problem then made some home made beef heart and now he is one of the best looking fish in the tank

also as state above get him back with his tank mates his colour is back he might want his friends back