View Full Version : Importing fish
Fri Dec 04, 2009, 07:42 AM
Hi Guys
Dont know if this is the correct area to post but anyway has anyone imported fish for their private collections and what are the pros and cons
Fri Dec 04, 2009, 09:09 AM
Quarantine requirements
Costs again.
Fri Dec 04, 2009, 09:33 AM
The importer (you) must have QT facilities set up in accordance with AQUIS regulations. Fish inspected a few times by the AQUIS Inspector, who at the end of QT either approves the fish for release, or can order them destroyed (that probably doesn't happen too often, but can). You need a license to import (more costs).
Contact AQUIS to find out what you need, but I believe it is very cost prohibitive.
Fri Dec 04, 2009, 09:34 AM
mistakes r crucial
Fri Dec 04, 2009, 09:18 PM
You actually don't need a license to import fish and it's not that cost prohibitive as long as you intend bringing in enough to make it worthwhile. However, what you do need is an establised importer who will agree to quarantine the fish for you in his/her rooms which will cost anywhere from $50 to $100 a box. We brought in about 150 fish a few years back and from memory I think we paid about $400 for the quarantine and a few hundred to AQUIS but we had a close working relationship with the importer so we had mates rates.
Another way and probably a much better way for smaller amounts of fish ie a dozen or so is to add your fish to the monthly order of the importer/wholesaler. There's a bit of work involved from your end as you would have to get your supplier to send your order to wherever the importers supplier is but it's not that hard. If you live in Qld PM me and I can give you the contact details of a couple of reliable importers, if you don't then you'll have to find out who your local people are and approach them.
Sat Dec 05, 2009, 03:33 AM
Hi Mac,
Long time no speak :)
That's very interesting, but I have to say I'm confused. I wish you lived in NSW and you had the contacts in this state. I'd surely PM you for their details :D
Over the years, while I've been trying to source wild discus, I've asked Jannie's question myself many times and read post after post on the topic, as well as visting the AQIS website.
I've spoken to small individual Aussie importers I've met over the forums and asked them if they could help me bring in wild discus. No-one has ever offered to help bring me in the wild discus, or even offered to provide the use of their QT facilities at a cost. As I understood things, without the importer's licence (or permit) & without the approved QT facilites - it can't be done. I've trolled around the AQIS site in the past & found a copy of the "Live Ornamental Fish Consignment Notification form" & there was a space for the Import Permit number to noted. In my ignorance, I took that as confirmation of what others told me (that I needed a licence to import).
But that's good news to hear we don't need the importation license after all. Or do you mean that the hobbyist relies on the importer to hold the permit / licence?
I've found a LFS, who imports himself direct, rather than using an importer/wholesaler. He is bringing in 8 wild discus for me - should be in Aus in about 4 weeks (so I'm sort of doing what you suggest & I'm very excited). The cost of the AQIS QT procedure is simply being tagged onto the price of the fish I'm getting brought in.
I don't have connections in the trade & couldn't expect mates rates. My LFS (importer) has his own AQIS approved QT facilites, where the AQIS inspector visits & approves (or otherwise) the release of fish. I've been told the inspector can refuse the release of thefish & order their destruction if he thinks it's warranted. I understand that would be exception & not happen often, but if I was the importer & the fish were just using QT facilities of an established importer, and they had to be destroyed, that loss/cost is one I would have to bear, not the importer who's providing the QT facilities. But if I'm buying through the LFS / importer, then the cost/loss of the fish remains with him.
It took me 3 years to find a local LFS / importer prepared to do this for me. The fish had to imported via an exporter he already dealt with & it had to co-incide with when he was going to be placing an order with that exporter, as well as when his QT had the space.
But I took the question to be that Jannie is wanting to know if the average hobbyist can simply import the fish direct (as they can do in USA & many other countries). Even at mates rates, $400 for QT & a few more hundred to AQIS is still cost prohibitive for the average hobbyist bringing in 8-12 fish for their private collection.
Wheras, I've spoken with USA & Asian hobbyists. Seems, it's no problem for them to simply order discus from o/s and they are shipped straight to their door.
mistakes r crucial
Sat Dec 05, 2009, 04:01 AM
Hi TW,
Glad to see you're still well and truly involved in the hobby. I can't wait to get back in to Discus next year, I've had withdrawals for far too long.
You were right in as much as you would be relying on the QT room owner/importer to bring in the fish. Getting a permit yourself is not hard and not that costly but the QT room that goes with it is a huge cost and not worth it for hobbyists. As I mentioned we brought in about 150 and used the QT rooms permit, paid their AQUIS fees and the mates rates accomodation for our fish whilst they were in QT. Sorry if I confused you or anyone else.
If ever you want to import a decent amount for yourself please do still PM me because all it would mean is that they stay in QT in Qld for 10 days to go through the bureaucratic BS and then stick them on a plane to NSW.
Although I've heard of whole shipments being destroyed I've never heard of Discus coming to their demise that way and if you stick to very well know Asian breeders like Roy Khoo et al it is highly unlikely that would happen, it has to be pretty drastic circumstances.
To answer Jannies question directly, no we cannot import them without permits and QT rooms in to Australia but there quite a few ways around it with a few contacts.
Sat Dec 05, 2009, 05:03 AM
Thanks Mac
I can't wait to get back in to Discus next year, I've had withdrawals for far too long. Always knew you'd be back :wink:
Ah, the ever so important "few contacts". I will certainly PM you if ever I'm importing a decent amount. I guess that 8 wouldn't be considered a "decent amount" though :(
My fish are coming via Glasser Germany, so I don't expect they are in a very great threat of destruction. I'm not so sure this AQIS 2wk QT would really pick much up anyway. I bought 2 pretty white albinos from a different LFS, apparently imported from Singapore. They must have passed through AQIS, but they never ate a bite of food in my tank & although I had them in QT, I managed to cross 3 contaminate tanks in addition to their own. I lost 15 discus due to them, so I'm not convinced this AQIS process does anything very much useful.
Ah, just to be able to browse an exporter's list & pick one of them and two of those delivered straight to my door - I'd be in fish keeper's heaven !
Keep well Mac
mistakes r crucial
Sat Dec 05, 2009, 05:31 AM
Ah, just to be able to browse an exporter's list & pick one of them and two of those delivered straight to my door - I'd be in fish keeper's heaven !
LoL, you and me both TW, I'm in the same boat now, just enough for a tank or two but hey, I said that last time and I ended up with about 50 so who knows.
I'll send you a PM.
Sat Dec 05, 2009, 06:14 AM
Not sur eif i am asking a to personal question but what would the wild discus cost you through your contact
Hi Mac,
Long time no speak :)
That's very interesting, but I have to say I'm confused. I wish you lived in NSW and you had the contacts in this state. I'd surely PM you for their details :D
Over the years, while I've been trying to source wild discus, I've asked Jannie's question myself many times and read post after post on the topic, as well as visting the AQIS website.
I've spoken to small individual Aussie importers I've met over the forums and asked them if they could help me bring in wild discus. No-one has ever offered to help bring me in the wild discus, or even offered to provide the use of their QT facilities at a cost. As I understood things, without the importer's licence (or permit) & without the approved QT facilites - it can't be done. I've trolled around the AQIS site in the past & found a copy of the "Live Ornamental Fish Consignment Notification form" & there was a space for the Import Permit number to noted. In my ignorance, I took that as confirmation of what others told me (that I needed a licence to import).
But that's good news to hear we don't need the importation license after all. Or do you mean that the hobbyist relies on the importer to hold the permit / licence?
I've found a LFS, who imports himself direct, rather than using an importer/wholesaler. He is bringing in 8 wild discus for me - should be in Aus in about 4 weeks (so I'm sort of doing what you suggest & I'm very excited). The cost of the AQIS QT procedure is simply being tagged onto the price of the fish I'm getting brought in.
I don't have connections in the trade & couldn't expect mates rates. My LFS (importer) has his own AQIS approved QT facilites, where the AQIS inspector visits & approves (or otherwise) the release of fish. I've been told the inspector can refuse the release of thefish & order their destruction if he thinks it's warranted. I understand that would be exception & not happen often, but if I was the importer & the fish were just using QT facilities of an established importer, and they had to be destroyed, that loss/cost is one I would have to bear, not the importer who's providing the QT facilities. But if I'm buying through the LFS / importer, then the cost/loss of the fish remains with him.
It took me 3 years to find a local LFS / importer prepared to do this for me. The fish had to imported via an exporter he already dealt with & it had to co-incide with when he was going to be placing an order with that exporter, as well as when his QT had the space.
But I took the question to be that Jannie is wanting to know if the average hobbyist can simply import the fish direct (as they can do in USA & many other countries). Even at mates rates, $400 for QT & a few more hundred to AQIS is still cost prohibitive for the average hobbyist bringing in 8-12 fish for their private collection.
Wheras, I've spoken with USA & Asian hobbyists. Seems, it's no problem for them to simply order discus from o/s and they are shipped straight to their door.
Sat Dec 05, 2009, 06:17 AM
I'll PM you Jannine
Sat Dec 05, 2009, 06:19 AM
Hi Mac
This is a link to the application form seems ok but yes the QT room is the hard bit.I guess you need the contacts
Sat Dec 05, 2009, 06:23 AM
I think if it is worthwhile a group of us can get together and bring some fish in
Sat Dec 05, 2009, 06:42 AM
Yes, if you could get a group together you could be right and with MAC's help re the contacts, that should make it easier.
Too late for me to join the group, as I just spent my fish allowance for 2010 on the wild greens :oops:
If you're not after wild discus, it shouldn't be so hard to see if you can find a LFS near you that has the AQIS QT facilities. I'm pretty sure SLS have their own QT and so does Aqua Pets @ Bondi.
The wilds seemed a bit harder, as you have to wait for the right season for them (which is now) and LFS who do have AQIS QT facilities seem to deal with the Asian exporters. It seemed that not so many wilds were available via Asia, so I needed a LFS that dealt through Glasser.
Fingers crossed for you Jannine. What are you looking for?
Sat Dec 05, 2009, 06:55 AM
Looking for some wild discus , but really after some fish not readilly available i guess.Really fallen in love with the Heckels at the moment.I am getting a bit bored with all these fancy colour discus would also love to get my hands on some royal blues they are just stunning when fully grown.
Yes, if you could get a group together you could be right and with MAC's help re the contacts, that should make it easier.
Too late for me to join the group, as I just spent my fish allowance for 2010 on the wild greens :oops:
If you're not after wild discus, it shouldn't be so hard to see if you can find a LFS near you that has the AQIS QT facilities. I'm pretty sure SLS have their own QT and so does Aqua Pets @ Bondi.
The wilds seemed a bit harder, as you have to wait for the right season for them (which is now) and LFS who do have AQIS QT facilities seem to deal with the Asian exporters. It seemed that not so many wilds were available via Asia, so I needed a LFS that dealt through Glasser.
Fingers crossed for you Jannine. What are you looking for?
Sat Dec 05, 2009, 07:46 AM
Glasser Germany won't sell to private hobbyists (I emailed them & asked) so if you want wild discus via them, I think you either need to convince them you are a LFS, or go back to the idea of getting a LFS or local importer to bring them in for you.
Sat Dec 05, 2009, 09:23 AM
Bayfish have wilds from time to time and they deal with Glasser I believe. Doesn't get much easier than that.
Sun Dec 06, 2009, 03:19 AM
Bayfish have wilds from time to time and they deal with Glasser I believe. Doesn't get much easier than that.True and now is the season, so you may be luck. I don't think Bayfish bring in a lot of wilds & I think you have to make sure your LFS is quick to order them (at least I think I remember Wayne of Xtreme saying somethign like that to me). The heckels that both Jothy & I had came from Wayne & I think they came via Bayfish. Used to be good when hobbyists could look over the BayFish availability list, but now you have to be a retailer to see it :evil:
Maybe Hassles could check the Bayfish list & let Jannine know. Other than that, Jannine, just ask your LFS if there are any on the list.
I know that Aquapets can bring heckels in ATM, because I could have chosen some too, but I'm not sure if it's too late to add them onto the order that is bringing in my Greens or if you'd have to wait for his next Glasser order.
Mon Dec 07, 2009, 11:51 AM
Bayfish has Wild Blues listed at the moment.
Mon Dec 07, 2009, 12:23 PM
That's good news. I didn't pick wild blues this year, but next year I'll be looking for a tankful of those too.
Is there a way into the Bayfish list for hobbyists? I know I used to be able to get in, but I can't find the way in anymore. Seems to only allow retailers.
Tue Dec 08, 2009, 03:21 AM
Anyone with QT room for hire ,would be a box or two?
Tue Dec 08, 2009, 03:39 AM
Anyone with QT room for hire ,would be a box or two?
Are you meaning an AQIS approved QT facility?
Tue Dec 08, 2009, 04:20 AM
Anyone with QT room for hire ,would be a box or two?
Are you meaning an AQIS approved QT facility?
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