View Full Version : Snail Rid..
Fri Mar 19, 2004, 04:43 AM
I saw a product called snail rid and atm i have way too many snails in my tank. They are only small like 1mm-2mm big, but there are heaps of them, they must have came with the plants i got. I was wondering if any of these products are any good? Or will it effect the plants? I am guessing it wouldn't efect the plants because normally snail problems are related to a planted tank. Also do you think this medication will effect the fish??
All in all i just want some comments/advice on this or any other snail removal products, as i want to get rid of them before my tank is over run.
Molly, i mean proteus, - you could always lend me Bob for a few days to clear out the snails!!! I know he would enjoy the interstate holiday and i will enjoy his apitite for snails!!
hehehh i want to be the first to do a poll -
Fri Mar 19, 2004, 04:46 AM
of course you know what my vote would be...
sorry, but Bob is busy... he has 9 other naughty Loaches to keep in check...
Fri Mar 19, 2004, 04:49 AM
Ever used snail rid or similar product proteus??
And you can send Bob and the other 9 loaches there is plenty of snails for all of them!! :lol:
Fri Mar 19, 2004, 06:19 AM
I do not like to add thinkgs to my tank, so I would say GO>>BOB!!!
Lots of good deep gravel vacs and filter clean up with used tank water a couple times of week to clean out snails and eggs. Been there, and done that.
Fri Mar 19, 2004, 07:15 AM
Well i went to that place where i saw it today, as it was the only aquarium open and when i read the bottle it said - Not to be used on water with carbonate hardness lower than 50ppm and mine sits at about 55ppm so i wasn't going to risk it. Ive heard hagen makes one aswell so i might looking into that.
As for vaccuming them out, i ve tried (oh how i ve tried) the damn things are like 1mm big and when you think you have got them all you see another 3-4 on plants or the glass. Think i might have to pop in a couple of loaches for a while.
But someone told me that clown loaches bother the discus at night because the discus sleep at the bottom and the clown loaches are swimming like nuts up and down bumping into them. Whats your discus like with them proteus??
Fri Mar 19, 2004, 01:00 PM
They are in seperate tanks... lol
they go nuts 24/7 so the Discus would be freakin out big time...
thats why bare bottom tanks are good... easier to vac up baddies...
Fri Mar 19, 2004, 11:34 PM
My vote is to do a good gravel siphon, cut back on the amount of gravel and once there is less food in the gravel for the snails to feast on, the fewer snails u will get.
Don't like using the copper based meds (hell, I've tried that med with Malayan trumpet snails in a cichlid tank without putting a dent in the population!) unless I'm desparate.
As for Bob, I wouldn't use him on a planted tank either... he not only drives the discus mad, Uncle Pete would swear that they bloody poke holes in young leaves of plants!! (That man HATES loaches with a vengence! LOL....)
Fri Mar 19, 2004, 11:59 PM
I feel i must come to the defense of the humble clown...
apart from digging plants up, and doing there own version of aquascaping my loaches have never touched any of my plants... so I think uncle pete should start singing.... "Just give loaches a chance"(in his best John Lennon accent)
Sat Mar 20, 2004, 05:21 AM
I vote against meds. You've already got a veritable witches' brew going on in there.
Believe it or not, double dosing salt will also hamper snails. Kosher, Pickling, even Table salt at the doses we use for ich won't hurt the fish for the short while we dose them.
Thu May 03, 2007, 05:04 PM
I as well am trying to control my snails, but im doing a lot of research first. I had a clown loach, but they are very easeily taken in by Ich. Even at pet stores, if there is a tank that as clown loaches, i find a spot of Ich right away. I do have a Kuhilli loach, but hes not active during the day. I want to get a puffer fish, but i was first wondering the possible effects of Snail-Rid on my fish. I have 2bloodfins, 2 tiger barbs, 1 groumi, 4 zebra danios, and chinese alge eater. Do you have any more info on the snail rid??
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