Fri Nov 13, 2009, 08:06 AM
Doing a bit of a cleanout so have the following plants for sale.
Anubias on driftwood - $20 each
Red ozelot sword large - $15
Large amazon sword - $ 15
Large queen of hearts $15
Small queen of hearts $5
Red lotus small $7
ammania gracialis - $10 for 5 stems
java ferns - 3 of for $3(med) and about 1 of for $1(small)
Blyxa - 10 for 12 plantlets
Echinodouros - looks like val- $3 per stem
subswatereng - 15 for large portion x 2
us fissidens large ball - $ 25
Hairgrass - 1 bunch for $ 8 ( this is japanese hairgrass not normal type)but some has growm straight due to lack of light in my tank.
2 stems diplis diandra $ 3 each.
H balsamica 3 stems $ 7 each
Express postage $10 for most plants except the red ozelot which i reckon should be put in a large bag so $15.
Doing a bit of a cleanout so have the following plants for sale.
Anubias on driftwood - $20 each
Red ozelot sword large - $15
Large amazon sword - $ 15
Large queen of hearts $15
Small queen of hearts $5
Red lotus small $7
ammania gracialis - $10 for 5 stems
java ferns - 3 of for $3(med) and about 1 of for $1(small)
Blyxa - 10 for 12 plantlets
Echinodouros - looks like val- $3 per stem
subswatereng - 15 for large portion x 2
us fissidens large ball - $ 25
Hairgrass - 1 bunch for $ 8 ( this is japanese hairgrass not normal type)but some has growm straight due to lack of light in my tank.
2 stems diplis diandra $ 3 each.
H balsamica 3 stems $ 7 each
Express postage $10 for most plants except the red ozelot which i reckon should be put in a large bag so $15.