View Full Version : young discus peaking on the bigger discus

Thu Nov 12, 2009, 12:22 PM
my young discus about 6cm keeps on pecking on the older discus body. I have noticed the body of the older discus is loosing it slam. I have separated the young discus to a different tank. Does this harm the older discus? will the body slam re generate?

I know during breeding the babies keeps on eat on the body slam of the parents. Will this harm the parent over a long period of time. when do you remove the babies away from the parents.

Any advice will be great.


Thu Nov 12, 2009, 12:24 PM
my young discus about 6cm keeps on pecking on the older discus body. I have noticed the body of the older discus is loosing it slam. I have separated the young discus to a different tank. Does this harm the older discus? will the body slam re generate?

I know during breeding the babies keeps on eat on the body slam of the parents. Will this harm the parent over a long period of time. when do you remove the babies away from the parents.

Any advice will be great.


Thu Nov 12, 2009, 06:55 PM
If you have another tank, I would keep all similar sized fish together.

Sun Nov 15, 2009, 11:18 AM
thanks for the advise.