View Full Version : Feeling more secure

Mon Nov 02, 2009, 06:52 PM
So the pair of Turks are spending a lot more time swimming about. They are inseparable 99.9% of the time. The other 0.1% is spent with the the slightly larger one showing whose boss.

They eat but they dont really rush out and grab the food. They will hook into freeze dried worms, especially if hand fed. If i sprinkle in some NLS they pick it off the bottom eventually. When i feed them there frozen food each night i have to leave it sitting on the bottom near the driftwood they like to hide behind. They watch for a while and make sure i am not near the tank, then they come out and generally eat every last scrap. Strange little fish they are. I have had them for 3.5 weeks now and i am happy with the progress (they wouldnt eat at all for a while).

I am considering adding a school of neons to help make them feel more secure in their new environment. Im sure the neons will end up as snacks eventually. :D

Do you think that this would make a difference or is it a waste of time?