View Full Version : My discus need to man up

Wed Oct 14, 2009, 07:50 AM
So here's what happens.....

Something spooks one discus....discus darts around tank... this scares the other discus..... both discus fly around the tank and bang into the decor and glass.....

Its happened twice now. Last night one of them knocked herself senseless and ended up with a small wound on her side.......

Im assuming its because they have only been in the tank for 4 days. Discus i have kept in the past were never this jumpy. They dont seem afraid of my hand when its on the tank or my kids with their faces pressed up against the glass though. In your experience, how long has it taken for your fish to settle in.

Wed Oct 14, 2009, 08:55 AM
I had one knock itself out cold once. The cat jumped up at it and it got a fright. Sad to say it died a few days later. Mine have never really been skiddish other than that once. I hope they settle in for you soon

Wed Oct 14, 2009, 09:06 AM
They are fine now. They didnt knock themselves out, they were more frightened than stunned i think. They still sit on one side of the tank but they do venture out, mainly when the light is off though.

The only thing they will eat so far are live black worms. They dont touch NLS or frozen discus dinner. I have some other frozen beef heart i will try tomorrow.

I got a bit carried away with the worms so now there are some in the substrate so they have something to snack on throughout the day.

Mr Wild
Wed Oct 14, 2009, 09:19 AM
They are just nervous they have come from a tank with others and now they are on their own, discus are better in groups of 5 or more so hurry up and get some more!

While waiting for that to happen just get a normal a4 piece of paper and sticky tape it to the front of the tank near the end. The discus will stay behind that until they get confident. It os quite funny to watch they will actually "peak" out from the edge to spy on you. After about a week just make sure one corner "accidently comes away from the glass, then the following week another until finally you can remove complety. They will be far more confident by then.

Here is a picture from awhile ago when I had new arrivals if you look real hard you can see her peaking!..

Wed Oct 14, 2009, 11:29 AM
that is so cute and such a good idea.

Wed Oct 14, 2009, 12:04 PM
haha that is awsome pic !

great idea to

Mr Wild
Wed Oct 14, 2009, 12:18 PM
Years ago a very old gentleman told me to do it, he was well over 60years old then I suspect he has passed now.

When I first got into discus some people said give them a place to hide and you will never see them but he always said we all like our quiet time so provide some and each time you go near them make it a good experience and they will come out to you! He was right, mine come straight to the front of the tank for me but shrink back for visitors, I am convinced they know who I am! Very smart these fishies.

When they do peak out it is so funny, then they come out a litle more then a little more then dart back and just show their nose again, its really a pleasure to see them getting gamer and gamer LOL

Wed Oct 14, 2009, 08:25 PM
It is also not a bad idea to turn the light off for a few days when introducing new discus...

Wed Oct 14, 2009, 10:42 PM
Not sure if i can continue a question on a question?? any who

Mine did this the other night, was dinner time i dropped their worms in the cones and made a clink on the glass and they went birko all 8 of em. darted off rouund the tank knocked over big piece of drift wood and burried themselves almost head first in the gravel. i was so scared they were all going to die on me it was crazy

Sun Oct 18, 2009, 04:21 AM
Its so frustrating. They were looking like coming out. I had one of the lids off and when i replaced it it made a tinky "clink"...... and the freaked out and are hiding again.... :(

Mr Wild
Sun Oct 18, 2009, 06:59 AM
Be patient!
They will come around, are they eating for you yet?

Sun Oct 18, 2009, 07:28 AM
They are out and about atm. They are still quite wary. The stress bars come on when oneof the kids runs past the tank but they soon go and they freek out and hide.

Hopefully they will eat the frozen food this evening. Its been 3 or 4 days now. Im wondering if i should give them some worms instead?