View Full Version : Maybe you could attract new members and encourage activity..
Jim Curtis
Wed Oct 07, 2009, 12:50 AM
by updating the home page more often than once every year and a half. Or is the June 08 photo competition still on going?
Wed Oct 07, 2009, 02:40 AM
Unfortunately these forums haven't changed alot since I joined back in December 07. Control remains with its owner/admin Proteus and those advisors who still visit. Even the number of active advisors has dropped in recent times.
These forums are so popular and well structured its a shame to see them dwindle like this as there is HUGE potential here. I myself lost interest and joined several other forums but i still visit. I guess until more control is given to members and new advisors/admins are appointed not alot will change.
One things for sure thou, there are some fantastic people here with unmeasurable experience and knowledge.
Wed Oct 07, 2009, 03:08 AM
times at a bit of a premium for most of us, It's amazing that the forum is still going as strong as it is, once the economy turns a bit more and quality discus come back in intrest will come back and more members will find the forum as they look for answers.
this is still one of the best knowlage pools on the net, best of all its all "real world" not text book, the stuff here is trully mindblowing as long as people have the patients to serch for it.
Wed Oct 07, 2009, 05:58 AM
Unfortunately these forums haven't changed alot since I joined back in December 07. Control remains with its owner/admin Proteus and those advisors who still visit. Even the number of active advisors has dropped in recent times.
These forums are so popular and well structured its a shame to see them dwindle like this as there is HUGE potential here. I myself lost interest and joined several other forums but i still visit. I guess until more control is given to members and new advisors/admins are appointed not alot will change.
One things for sure thou, there are some fantastic people here with unmeasurable experience and knowledge.
As you have stated, things haven't changed much in the past few years, however, work is being done behind the scenes on a major facelift and upgrade which will make things like the front page a lot more interactive, i.e. changing daily.
In regards to activity, whilst the posting of articles has slowed slightly, traffic has steadily increased every month for the past few years.
Like most people, the Admin's and Advisor's have real lives, families, jobs, etc etc, and whilst they might not post every day, or in some cases in some time they are online every few days reading things, replying to PM's etc etc.
You mention control to the members? please explain? The level of moderation here is very light compared to a lot of other sites, we try to be as fair and friendly as we can.
In regards to new advisors, that is already on the cards. As it stands a couple of the long time advisors are no longer in the hobby, they do drop in from time to time and say hi in the private advisors/admins forum areas, hence why it may appear they are not around, yet they are in some capacity.
We are all open to suggestions to take things forward, so if there is something that needs attention let us know.
Wed Oct 07, 2009, 06:06 AM
times at a bit of a premium for most of us, It's amazing that the forum is still going as strong as it is, once the economy turns a bit more and quality discus come back in intrest will come back and more members will find the forum as they look for answers.
this is still one of the best knowlage pools on the net, best of all its all "real world" not text book, the stuff here is trully mindblowing as long as people have the patients to serch for it.
As Illusn stated, and as I touched on in my last reply, time is the biggest factor for most of us. Personally I have been working on some huge projects since April, and just when I think they are under control, a new project is thrown into the mix.
Also, as I touched on before, this site will soon undergo a major facelift/upgrade, that will certainly help with making the place look fresher, user friendly along with offering features that very few other free forums offer.
Features like detailed Discus guides, a wiki type section for common asked questions, illness and medication references, along with some support from aquarium product manufacturers that I have been speaking to recently.
I am hoping to have this done in the next couple of months, so stay tuned for updates.
Another point on the site upgrade, some may have noticed a lot of forums have changed to the new phpBB platforms etc etc, on all but a couple of forums that I also visit, there have been tens, if not hundreds of posts from members complaining about how things are now compared to previously, new layouts, old features not in the same place etc etc. Instead of rushing out we have sat back and taken in all these points, so once we do change things we hope for very few, if any complaints.
Wed Oct 07, 2009, 06:22 AM
FYI, The Homepage (News & Announcements) has been updated...
If anyone has any other suggestions please feel free and share your ideas, after all we want to make this site the best it can be
Wed Oct 07, 2009, 08:59 AM
Proteus a facelift sounds great. Even a new board template would be nice on the eyes for something different.
Some of the newer phpBB boards have some uesless features hence why there are probably soo many complaints but they also have some nice quick links etc which can be utilised.
Some people never like change but i'm sure it will be welcomed here.
You mention control to the members? please explain?
It's directed for both comments I made - in general being that we should have new members appointed as advisors or maybe even moderators.
We just need several more active members who have the powers to organise competitions, liaise with sponsors and spark the forums etc.
I totally understand about real life time constraints and certainly don't expect any more from the team here already.
Wed Oct 07, 2009, 09:07 AM
In the comings days/weeks I will start a post regarding new advisors.
I want to get an idea first of what we are going to offer on the upgraded site so a call can be made for interested parties.
Also, given how diversified the hobby is, whilst still keeping the main focus on Discus, some more resources made available to areas such as aquascaping (planted aquaria) and other species.
Another thing I am considering is closing down and moving the relevant content (advanced articles, etc) between here and and just running the 2 forums.
Once again, as per previous any suggestions are welcome
Wed Oct 07, 2009, 10:19 PM
The wiki idea sounds great - it would make it much easier to find relevant information.
Also have you thought about having a separate online shop section for selling the best discus related products such as eheim filters, mals blackworms etc.
You wouldn't have to handle the products yourself. You could enter an arrangement with one of the site sponsors who could supply and ship the products and you could take a small percentage of sales to help keep the site going.
The products could then be reviewed by admins and given a score for economy and functionality, ensuring that newbs get independant advice.
Just a thought...
Wed Oct 07, 2009, 11:38 PM
Also have you thought about having a separate online shop section for selling the best discus related products such as eheim filters, mals blackworms etc.
You wouldn't have to handle the products yourself. You could enter an arrangement with one of the site sponsors who could supply and ship the products and you could take a small percentage of sales to help keep the site going.
The products could then be reviewed by admins and given a score for economy and functionality, ensuring that newbs get independant advice.
Just a thought...
The shop idea is good however in the big scheme of things I think it will cause too many issues, due to conflicts of interest.
What I am more interested in would be a review type page where products can honestly be commented on without the risk of having a vendor or manufacturer taking things the wrong way, i.e. heavily moderated, whilst still maintaining the opinion of the reviewer.
In regards to Discus related products I would rather invite retailers to promote a few specific items, and in return offer members here pricing that is not available to any Joe blow off the street, that way it is win/win for both parties.
Thu Oct 08, 2009, 02:02 AM
this is definitely a fantastic forum with good experienced advisors whom are doing their best to offer their time and dedication to the forum. the operating of the fourm itself is good. i think the falling of it's popularity or other Australian discus forums, IMO, is largely due to the lack of supply of quality discus and new strains.
we, as hobbiest, we get excited when we see forum memebers post their new discus photos or we post our own when we get new fish, or when we see sponsor posting pictures of new shipment. unfortunately we don't have sponsor posting new shipment pictures or even importing new discus anymore. the lack of supply disenable us to buy new discus, etc. we are stuck in a two years lag and we start to lose exciitment and interest of forum. this is something that it is totally out of the forum's owner/admin/advisors control. it is a real shame and hopefully discus industry will turn around one day soon.
Thu Oct 08, 2009, 07:48 AM
I think there is a lot in what ivo says. I agree fully that most of what might cause a lack of interest in the forum is totally outside of what the owner/admin/advisors can control.
Thu Oct 08, 2009, 10:30 AM
I think the addition of a 'view new posts' button/icon would be good. it just shows all active posts since your last visit in one page. i use it on some other forums and it exposes me to just the newest content from ALL forum subsections. i have found that i learn more and are introduced to subjects that i know little about.
it means that each day or every few days that i visit i can see what has been happening without having to surf through each subsection individually.
i want to also thank Proteus for the ongoing and tireless dedication to discusforums. none of this would be possible without you mate
perhaps we need some of the more low key breeders out there to step up and become advisors.
i understand what ivo is saying about the lack of new variety and availability of qaulity stock at the moment. is there perhaps some interstate importers that want to jump on board as sponsers?
i'm happy to do whatever is asked of me to help this forum keep growing cause i have a lot to thanks it for
Thu Oct 08, 2009, 10:45 AM
i understand what ivo is saying about the lack of new variety and availability of qaulity stock at the moment. is there perhaps some interstate importers that want to jump on board as sponsors?
One thing I have decided is no more sponsors in the conventional way of thinking of a sponsor.
Going forward, businesses will be invited, or able to request posting privileges based on them offering members here specific discounts on products or services. That way it not only gives them added exposure, but a wider variety of choice for the members here. (I should stress that current sponsors will always get priority exposure due to the support they have provided to date)
There may be a chance that some old faces may pop up as we need to look at the big picture, and any differences or conflicts in the past have long been put to bed, and why should members here miss out on certain offers or livestock just because of a fallout between myself or one of the other admins or advisors.
At the end of the day this site belongs to the community members here, so speak up so we can make sure you are heard and can look at all suggestions with an open mind.
<I promise to stay off my soap box now>
Old Dave
Thu Oct 08, 2009, 10:54 AM
I think the addition of a 'view new posts' button/icon would be good. __
I use the link under the "Latest News" on the top bar.
Yes, it might be easier to use from the top bar.
The search which gives you the posts for the Last 24 hrs, Last week etc is a bit dodgy under some IE versions but seems to work well enough under Firefox.
I have a bit of a problem with all the censorship and criticism but something I think the forum really needs is a "Tongue in Cheek" Emoticon :lol: :wink: :lol:
Thanks to all for making it a pleasure to learn and grow as a fishkeeper.
:thumb :wave2 :thumb
Old Dave
Thu Oct 08, 2009, 11:01 AM
I have a bit of a problem with all the censorship and criticism but something I think the forum really needs is a "Tongue in Cheek" Emoticon :lol: :wink: :lol:
Thanks to all for making it a pleasure to learn and grow as a fishkeeper.
:thumb :wave2 :thumb
Old Dave
:ug :scratch :ug
Censorship, Criticism... nooooooooooooooooooo
New emoticon's... consider that to be a certainty
Thu Oct 08, 2009, 11:37 AM
I think the addition of a 'view new posts' button/icon would be good.
One better from Old Daves suggestion Matt is here:
I also agree with Ivo's comments. The market has really slowed given the global recession but it will pickup again soon.
Thu Oct 08, 2009, 11:31 PM
I use "Latest News" but don't find it as good as the "New Posts" on some forums I visit. Some forums have better version of "New Posts" button than others. Some some show the "new posts" only for the first time you log on. If for some reason you have to log off before you can check out all the new posts, when you log on next those post are no longer on the list.
One forum I visit has a system where, whilst it recognises that you have visited the forum since those were posted, it also recognises that you have not read all posts. So, they are still there, but have now moved below a new sub heading "The threads below have not been updated since your last visit but still contain unread posts."
Just my opinion, but I like that system best and think it would be great to see it here.
Fri Oct 09, 2009, 10:04 AM
Yoo hoo .....................:wave ...................... Aunty's back
Hello everyone :wave1 :wave1
Yeah I know, I've been absent for a year, but sometimes ya just gotta take a break or you go nuts :banghead
As many of you already know, I own a furniture shop in Richmond Victoria, and what, with the downturn in the economy, and the need to spend more time in the business, I just haven't had time to visit you guys at Discus Forums.
Gotta say, I missed you all terribly, and now that the economy is beginning to look up, I've got a bit more free time on my hands, so you'll see me here a lot more often. I might even be able to talk taksan (aka Mr Cool) into contributing a few posts too :wink:
We both still have our fish. I've still got the ten foot Jebo full of wilds and altums, another tank with 10 altums (yep they're all still going strong) and the 7 x 3 x 3 with "Jimbo" the biggest saratoga you can imagine, along with some huge plecos and several large pairs of Rivulatis (green terrors) who have been busy breeding and still manage to raise fry even with Jimbo on the prowl :lol:
I'm down to just 4 large tanks, and of course the heated pond, instead of the 17 I used to have, but the urge never really goes away, and I'd like to get back into some of the wild bettas again, an maybe set some of these wild discus up in breeding tanks again and see if I can raise a few spawns. Seems like the importing of wilds has really dried up. Maybe we can do something to get things going again.
I'll give the tanks a good clean :oops: and take some new photos, so you can see what's been going on during the last 12 months.
Great to see so many members still into discus, despite the recession, and a big welcome to the many, many new members.
Time to start a new "welcome" thread I think, so we can all get to know each other again, and have a look at some of those gorgeous fish you've been keeping.
Fri Oct 09, 2009, 10:49 AM
Hi Merrilyn, great to hear your latest news. Look forward to those new photos.
Fri Oct 09, 2009, 10:51 AM
Great to hear from you too TW.
How are your fish going?
scott bowler
Fri Oct 09, 2009, 07:50 PM
yes mezz pics we want pics lol
Fri Oct 09, 2009, 10:20 PM
Good to hear the site is getting a face lift!
I still visit here a couple of times a week despite not having kept fish for quite a while now due to my work commitments. I'm hoping to start up a discus tank again some time in the near future.
As others have said the quality discus have dried up a lot in the past 2 years, the hobby really seems to have taken a dive!
I think the forums could really use some more interaction from the sponsors, there is very little going on and special offers to forum members would be a good way to get a bit of excitement going and discussion with people trying out their new products. just a thought.
Fri Oct 09, 2009, 11:02 PM
Hi Merrilyn,
I am new around here but just thought I would say hello seeing that we are relatively close in proximity. I live in Ballarat ..... just up the road, so to speak. Have seen older pics of your wild discus which are beautiful. Would love to see some newer ones.
Sat Oct 10, 2009, 12:47 AM
Great to hear from you too TW.
How are your fish going?I won't clutter up this thread too much, but I've gone through a rough patch. 2 new discus (in QT) brought disease & I cross contaminated most of my tanks. 18 discus sick. 15 died (10 were my beloved wild discus). 3 survived but will never be mixed with my other stock. The planted tank remained 100% healthy. That's what helped keep me going. If ever you're bored, the start of the troubles are set out here Jothy, Mike & others were a great help to me during this time & I'm very grateful to this forum, as otherwise I may not even have the 3 that did survive.
Sat Oct 10, 2009, 07:23 AM
Oh Merrylin I am so glad you are back. I was worried about you and did often wonder what had happened. :wave2.
Sat Oct 10, 2009, 11:03 PM
The implementation of a Wiki, finally (, is great news. One of the challanges with this forum (which is not specific to this forum) is the number of posts for basic information that is available in various threads, but people don't want to spend the time looking for it. A wiki system edited by approved moderators should notably reduce the 'keeping discus 101' questions that tend to clog this forum, and reduce the load on moderators/admins to manage these threads.
I'd be willing to help with setting this up (if I can) because I believe this will furher improve an already awsome site.
Sat Oct 10, 2009, 11:07 PM
I'd be willing to help with setting this up (if I can) because I believe this will furher improve an already awsome site.
Volunteers gratefully accepted, once we have some more concrete details on how things will be set up we will be in touch.
Thank you
Sun Oct 11, 2009, 10:47 AM
Oh TW I'm so sorry to hear your terrible news. No one could have tried harder or done more for those fish.
Sadly it's a scenario I hear of all too often - a beautiful tank with happy, healthy fish, turning into a disaster with the introduction of new fish.
There are so many awful diseases out there, that are becoming resistant to antibiotics, everyone's tank is at risk.
Robyn, rest assured that you did everything possible. I hope the rest of your fish continue to improve.
We are so very lucky to have people like Jothy and Mike and others on this forum, who are willing to share their invaluable expertise and knowledge with members.
What a wonderful community this is. I'm delighted to be a part of it.
Thu Oct 15, 2009, 05:15 AM
All i can say is RED it is about bloody time you came back !!!
Thu Oct 15, 2009, 12:23 PM
Hahaha missed me Tommo did ya??
Fri Oct 16, 2009, 04:58 AM
Yeah , but i have not been on here much either :(
Thu Oct 29, 2009, 12:34 PM
I guess I'm back as well now ... ;-)
Fri Oct 30, 2009, 12:52 AM
Welcome Back, Taksan. Good to hear from you :)
Sun Apr 04, 2010, 08:33 AM
Just an FYI.
This has not been forgotten, and we hope to start on the upgrade/facelift sometime soon.
Then comes the job of getting more activity here via advertising, google adword campaigns, etc etc.
Sadly real world duties (mainly work) have to come first, so things are taking a lot longer than expected.
Mon Apr 05, 2010, 01:59 AM
Good to know Pro.
Maybe some restrictions on the classifieds section are in order. Everytime I come on there are "20 new posts" but all from people flogging stuff. Very boring
Mon Apr 05, 2010, 03:02 AM
i think the classifieds is keeping the forum going
we need to encourage posts in other sections
Mon Apr 05, 2010, 09:28 AM
I know what Rob means, if you look at the activity within the classfields section most are from posters with only 1 post count, they are only here to sell, not participate in the forum. :?
Mon Apr 05, 2010, 12:01 PM
Spot on Hollowman. I at least browse here once a day if I get the time and love nothing more than finding posts galore in the Dwarf section but all I see is classifieds posts by relative :newbie members.
Nothing against newbies as they have the most to benefit from communities like these but at least participate a bit before you try and flog me your D grade CRS/CBS/IGBTYS/MYOB half Leopard Full Moon Universal Eruptions with no peppering. :roll: :lol:
Mon Apr 05, 2010, 12:06 PM
Spot on Hollowman. I at least browse here once a day if I get the time and love nothing more than finding posts galore in the Dwarf section but all I see is classifieds posts by relative :newbie members.
Nothing against newbies as they have the most to benefit from communities like these but at least participate a bit before you try and flog me your D grade CRS/CBS/IGBTYS/MYOB half Leopard Full Moon Universal Eruptions with no peppering. :roll: :lol:
Mon Apr 05, 2010, 12:25 PM
Spot on Hollowman. I at least browse here once a day if I get the time and love nothing more than finding posts galore in the Dwarf section but all I see is classifieds posts by relative :newbie members.
Nothing against newbies as they have the most to benefit from communities like these but at least participate a bit before you try and flog me your D grade CRS/CBS/IGBTYS/MYOB half Leopard Full Moon Universal Eruptions with no peppering. :roll: :lol:
Sun May 30, 2010, 06:38 PM
haha, thats gold, and true!
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