View Full Version : sea salt bath cure swim bladder issues?

Fri Oct 02, 2009, 01:26 AM
i m pretty sure every1 knows the history with these fish by now.

of all the ones i rescued one was really sick, i treated all the fish with several medications over the last few months. 3 out of the 4 fish recovered from the illnesses. the last one started to get better but then went backwards a bit when he started standing on his head.

i tried epsom salts to try and laxative the fish, i stopped feeding dry food incase he was gorging himself and blocked up his bowels. he is active and poops nice hard black poop. they all eat blackworms and brineshrimp and are allways very hungry (fed 3 times a day).

i recently noticed that he was keeping one gill clamped while standing on his head so i got some sea salt/rock salt from the local woolies, and have been putting him in 30 min baths of 1tsp / 8L once a day. (was thinking gill flukes)

after 3 treatments he is breathing a bit more with that gill, but more miraculous he isnt head standing anymore ???

does sea salt cure swim bladder probs?

should i do more sea salt baths ?

(dont kno how but he has also somehow got fin rot again, no one else has it, tank is cleaned and WC every 2-3 days, so m treating the whole tank with pimafix again)

Fri Oct 02, 2009, 02:03 AM
Salt baths are a very effective treatment for a wide range of diseases, the salt works on any motile or dividing organisums it also helps the fish to breath better by reducing osmotic preassure.

dont do it too often as it strips the slime coat of the fish which makes the skin vulnerable to infection, if he still has fin rot maybe treat with an antibacterial preperation such as waterlifs myaxin pima and melafix are usually fairly uneffective on discus due to their thicker slime coat