John H
Thu Oct 01, 2009, 10:58 AM
Hi All
Could someone tell me the benifits of running peat in/ through my set up
I have read that it can bring on spawning :)
if this is the case where do you get non harmful peat(no chemicals)
how is the best way to extract the goodness
Also Almond Leaves pros? where from
I live in the Newcastle area if there are locals that may known retailers for the above mentioned
Live for Discus
Could someone tell me the benifits of running peat in/ through my set up
I have read that it can bring on spawning :)
if this is the case where do you get non harmful peat(no chemicals)
how is the best way to extract the goodness
Also Almond Leaves pros? where from
I live in the Newcastle area if there are locals that may known retailers for the above mentioned
Live for Discus