View Full Version : not suitable for discus keeping?
Mon Sep 21, 2009, 08:50 PM
Hi guys,
this is my first time on a discus forum and am finding it facinating :)
I've recently set up a new tank that is 75cm length x 60cm widthx 45cm height and I'm wondering if this tank is suitable for discus keeping. I think I've heard some people say that 45cm height is not enough and hopefully I can still keep them because they are so beautiful! My tank is 202 litres and still in the cycling process, any suggestions are appreciated thanks.
Mon Sep 21, 2009, 08:53 PM
sorry, i was also suppose to ask if the tank is suitable for discus keeping, how many should I keep for them to be healthy. I see many people suggest 5 at least and I'm a little worried that 202 litres isn't enough space for 5.
Mon Sep 21, 2009, 09:19 PM
you could possibly squeeze 4 in there. but nothing else.
u should probably buy 4 young discus and as they grow up, you would hopefully get 1 pair, keep that pair and sell off the remaining to.
that way you should hopefully get a breeding pair and be able to have a few other fish like, some cardinal tetras (to look nice) & some coydoras (help clean up left over food scraps).
1 discus per 45L is what i m working on.
some more experienced members will probably have some better advice, as i myself am only a couple months into this hobby aswell
Tue Sep 22, 2009, 08:31 AM
Thanks for that simmo, I think I will do what you suggested once I figure everything out.
I've already put 2 bags of 9kg eco complete and a bag of 3L ADA malaya in my cycling tank and just heard that it's best not to have gravel at all/or limited amount. I'm guessing my substrate is probably around 4cms high, would that be an issue if I keep up with the water changes?
sorry about all these questions, think im getting addicted to this forum lol.
Tue Sep 22, 2009, 09:26 AM
You can keep adults in a tank with substrate, but it's really best to grow up juveniles in BB.
Tue Sep 22, 2009, 12:01 PM
raising juveniles is better in a bare bottomed tank (BB) as with their high feeding requirements, up to 6 times a day,
it is easier to keep the tank clean in a BB tank, as you have to siphon out any left over food 30-45 mins after feeding, and remove any poo at the same time.
dont worry once adults they can b fed 2-3 times a day.
4 cms would be too high unless you plan on having a planted tank. also use finer gravel if possible as to try and not let any poo settle under the surface, much easier if you can just siphon it off the top.
ask as many questions as you can, i m still learning alot myself, so i will answer with as much as i can.
i know wat u mean about being addicted, i visit this forum and several others (discus and non discus related) about 2-3 times a day.
OCD hell yea ! lol
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