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Tue Sep 08, 2009, 12:18 AM
has anyone had a problem with a discus who cant right itself?

one of the sickest discus i rescused who i thought was getting better, has now become 90* permanently face down, like he is eating. but he swims all round the tank like that.

he seems to prefer to stay at mid level in the tank, but can rise to the top and to the bottom of the tank. he eats heaps.

i dont have he ability to test all parameters, but PH is at about 6.3, the tank is kept clean as a whistle with a 33% water change every 2 days, they are fed a diet of brine shrimp, blood worms and discus bits.

this has only happened since my last water change.

he does get bullied a bit though.

any ideas?

Tue Sep 08, 2009, 12:37 AM
have been reading material on swim bladder probs in discus

am considering feeding the fish some peas to help clear any blockages.

and maybe doing a epsom salt treatment at 1 tablespoon per 20 to 40 litres.

Tue Sep 08, 2009, 02:00 AM
Sounds like your fish has an internal problem might be an infection. I would try treating metro and add salt to the water . It may help but alot of the time once they start head standing they dont recover.
Good luck

Sat Oct 10, 2009, 07:58 AM
I have a very fat, healthy and very very happy discus that is a headstander. She has been like it for over six months. I do keep her in a tank with only one other discus so she doesn't have to compete for food and I do keep her in a standard tank as she can't get herself down the bottom of a 2ft high tank to peck for food. I do hope yours recovers and I did just want to let you know that a headstander can lead a very happy life. :D

Sat Oct 10, 2009, 10:28 AM
well since i got him, he has been treated with melafix, pimafix, prazi, ,metro (in food), epsom salts, sea salt bath.

he was going good, regaining his colour, losing the black, his body & head filling back out, poo return to normal. until between the prazi & the metro treatments where he started to stand on his head and keep one gill clamped.

(1-2 week rest period between medications)

he can right himself when he swims hard enough, and can make it from the top to the bottom of the tank. he does have a very low immune system as he gets recurring fin rot, and retains one gill clamped.

no other fish in the tank is effected.

his poo is good, he eats like a pig, everything is good, except for the head standing and gil clamped. he does get bullied though.

i think i m going to get some levimazole and try that, (incase worm probs causing pressure on swim bladder) otherwise i m going to off him as i think he was just too far gone to ever recover fully.

the remaining 3 fish (his Female turk partner and the red marlborough par) are all fine and spawning like crazy, the red marlborough male fertilizing both females eggs although they allways go white n get eaten after 2-3 days or so.

when i get the levimazole i'll get some clove oil just incase.

Sat Oct 10, 2009, 10:42 AM
swim blader infection, try an internal antibiotic (as in added to food) erethromyacin is ok if you have some left over from a previous infection, or your gp was nice enough to write you a repeat script.

Sat Oct 10, 2009, 09:40 PM
I think maybe he should go into a hospital tank not just for him but for the other 2 as well. If you don't have a spare tank a large plastic tub will be ok just add a heater and an air stone. Poor little guy but if he is eating like a pig all is not lost.

Sun Oct 11, 2009, 06:52 AM
erethromyacin available from a vet perhaps ?

the GP's up here are uptight wouldnt even considering writing me a script for metro.

but after alot of searching i found a vet who would sell it to me over the counter, if vets stock it i may go back to them.

also is erythromycin or erethromyacin correct spelling?