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View Full Version : Red Angelfish...?

Sat Sep 05, 2009, 02:23 AM

My two koi angel breeding pair have suddenly turned red - one is usually white and the other black, but it is obvious they now have a red tinge to them...and im not sure what it is.

I thought that it may be caused from the tetra colour bits that i am feeding them - it may have - however recently they have been acting "strange" - they are quiet, and seem to "fan" around the sponge filter (the action when they fan the eggs on the cone - where they sort of go almost vertical and move their fins fast). What are they doing/wats happening - are they sick?

I have tested water parameters:
amm - 0
n/ite - 0
n/ate - 20
ph - 6.8
temp - 27

Anyone know what is going on?
Please help, I dont want to lose this breeding pair!


scott bowler
Sat Sep 05, 2009, 02:51 AM
barra do you have a pic ? that might help we can see for our self

Sun Sep 06, 2009, 02:49 AM
The "redness" seems to have gone worse than before. On the white one (male) there seems to be what looks like ammonia burn? on its body near the tail - almost like a blister. There seems to be a red line across it - not sure what it is.
Tested ammonia again today - 0.1
Did a 30% w/c yesterday
Have taken pics, will upload when i figure how to.

Any ideas?

Sun Sep 06, 2009, 03:27 AM
hope this works:

Sun Sep 06, 2009, 03:28 AM

Sun Sep 06, 2009, 03:33 AM
As you can hopefully see, there is a patch near the tail on the body that looks quite concerning - within this there is a noticable red horizontal line in the middle. In the second pic you can also see that its fins/flappers are "hanging" quite low - usually its not like this. There is also some red around the fins connecting to the body.

Anyone know whats wrong? The other one is not as bad, however I want to fix the problem asap


Mr Wild
Sun Sep 06, 2009, 07:53 AM
I would watch the angel very carefully from these symtoms, a broad spectrum antibiotic will be needed if it is septicemia.
That is what I would treat but other more experienced people may say otherwise. HTH

Mon Sep 07, 2009, 06:51 AM

The guy's condition has gone even WORSE! There is now fungus growing on that patch indictaed above!!

Last night I did a dose of myaxin - is this good? What else would you recommend?

Please help!

ps. could admin please move this to emergency room - thanks

Mon Sep 07, 2009, 01:52 PM
septecemia treat with a double dose of tripple sulpher failing that euthenise the fish