View Full Version : Discus sexing

Sat Aug 29, 2009, 02:15 AM
can anyone tell their sex?what should i look for to get both sex?cheers.. :ug

mistakes r crucial
Sat Aug 29, 2009, 05:12 AM
Unfortunately mate there is no dead set way to tell them apart but the females tend to have smaller mouths and just look more female (dainty). If they are subs or fully grown then some males show a whispy, 'feather like' part of their dorsal, at the back end of it and it protrudes a good way past their tail sometimes but I've seen females with it too.

Another theory is to take a line from the highest point of their dorsal and another line from the lowest part of their anal fin and when the lines meet, if they pass through the tail, then it's a female and if they miss the tail, a male. I've also proved that theory wrong on a few occasions but hey, look at the positive side, you've got a 50% chance of being right lol.

You can also vent them but I've never learnt how and I don't think I'd want to put them through the stress of it anyway but others I'm sure would disagree.

The best way we found was by getting to know our fish, watch how they were in the tank, take a best guess and put the rest down to gut feel. We got much better at it as we gained more experience and by the end of it I reckon we would have been right at least 75% of the time. Best of luck.
