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View Full Version : Help i think my discus have the plague !!!!

Sun Aug 23, 2009, 07:45 PM
Hi all, my discus have been ill a few days now it started with what i thought was fin rot so i treated with melafix the next day they developed a white slime on them darkened in colour they spend most of there time hiding in corners in a group went off there food and have clamped fins all my other fish clown loach tetras ect seem to be fine i have been treating with esha hexamita discus disease treatment started first dose yesterday they seem a bit better all the white slime has gone colour has improved but they still have clamped fins and still hide in corners and sitll have torn fins any ideas what i should do ??? its driving me mad i love the discus but ive had more trouble in the 6 months ive kept them then i did the 3 years i kept marines im seriously thinking about packing it in :cry: :cry: :cry:
my ammonia is 0 n02 is 0.5 ph7.2

Mr Wild
Sun Aug 23, 2009, 10:56 PM
I know it is a pain but can you post pics, it really helps.

I have never treated with esha hexamita discus disease treatment so I cannot comment on its effectivemess but if you are seeing improvement that is a plus. How long is the treatment meant to last? Have you isolated the sick fish into their own tank? Treatment may effect your other fish as well. Hope they pull through for you!

Sun Aug 23, 2009, 11:11 PM
Your ph is bit high. slowly bring it down to 6 it has to be done slowly.
0.5 per day is good. depending on the situation ,as I have never had a situation like this , somebody here may able to advice on this rate.

You may also need to increase the temp slowly say from 28 - 32
in 1 1/2 - 2. of days time.

Give more air to the tank.
Clown loach sometimes intimidate them. it will be good if you can seperate clown loaches and other fish at least for a while.

And also please dont feed if they don't eat. You may try to give a little bit of their favourite food per day if they dont eat it then just remove it in
2-3 hours.

Aqaurium lights may not be good this period try to avoid them.

sorry to hear this wishing you all the good luck.

Mon Aug 24, 2009, 01:42 AM
get them out of the comunity tank and start treatment in a bare bottom tank, metro is what you want if you have plague, but moving them into a clean tank might bring them good on its own.

most meds that treat plague will kill scaleless fish like loaches

Mon Aug 24, 2009, 06:34 AM
unfortunatly i dont have a hospital tank is there a effective treatment i can use in my community tank ???
i have taken pics but it wont let me upload them but the symptoms they are displaying are the same as all the ones i see in other plague posts they also look exactly the same as there pics !!

Mon Aug 24, 2009, 11:15 AM
not realy the effective treatments for hex are fatal to tetras and loaches