View Full Version : help sick disus!!!!!!!!!

Fri Aug 21, 2009, 06:14 AM
hi i noticed last night that 5 of my 9 discus arent doing to well they have clamped fins and they look a bit torn they also arent moving much and hide in a corner i ave a 100 gallon tank with a very fine layer of silica sand and a few potted plants i have run out of test kits am going to get some today any ideas on what it is and what meds to give i did a 50% wc last night but no change !!!

Fri Aug 21, 2009, 07:26 AM
really need to know all our water paras first.
ph ammonia nitrates nitrites temp.....

Fri Aug 21, 2009, 02:53 PM
Have you done anything different Dom? added anything? fed different food? what is the temp?
I would do another w/c for now, get some test kits like Leanne says and add an air stone to add more O2

Fri Aug 21, 2009, 05:54 PM
i added some plants yesterday only a few potted plants i have had a huge air stone running for about a week now things improved alot untill now i also upgraded from a 200 liter tank to a 440 liter about a week ago could it be a ammonia spike ???? i have just got some seachem prime and some melafix to see if this improves things im doing a 75% water change first

Fri Aug 21, 2009, 06:11 PM
sorry i forgot to mention i am feeding the same food as normal and the temp is 29-30'c they seem a bit better now but still gonna treat with meds

Fri Aug 21, 2009, 08:12 PM
The melafix is not a real med, but smells nice. Your filter should be ok even in the new tank, did you clean the tank first before use? just a thought.
Clean water should do the trick for now.

Fri Aug 21, 2009, 08:53 PM
yeah i cleaned the tank before i filled it up i have just done a 80% water change and still no improvement i also did a 60% wc last night the fish have started scratching now ???? i really need to get a test kit but i finnished work late toay so was unable 2 get one any ideas on what meds i should try?? they are still eating but arent as interested in food as they normaly are should i still do wc when medicating ??

Fri Aug 21, 2009, 09:04 PM
What preperation are you doing to your water before you change it? ie, I take it you are using dechlorinator?
You really need to know your water parameters. you need to know: Ammonia, NitrIte, NitrAte and Ph. Get a kit in the morning for these, not the strips, but liquid kits.
Post results and we will go from there. The scratching could be flukes, could be a big ph swing or a number of other things.

Fri Aug 21, 2009, 09:26 PM
i am using hma water i drain the water off then add a extra heater to the tank i then add the outlet from the hma filter to the tank and fill it up i have the hma filter set up so it mates 1 liter a min so its only trickling in the temp drops from 30 to 29 when i do this but never lower i have just finnished a 80% wc and they seem much happier 3 of the 9 still have clamped fins but they are alot more active and dont seem to be hiding anymore ???

Fri Aug 21, 2009, 09:38 PM
good :)

Fri Aug 21, 2009, 10:13 PM
cheers any idea on meds of shall i test the water first????

Sat Aug 22, 2009, 05:50 AM
4 of the fish now seem to have white patches on them like fungus ???

Sun Aug 23, 2009, 04:37 PM
have tested the water ammonia is at 0 no2 is 0.5 ph is 7.3 i have started treatment with esha hexamita discus disease treatment this was recomeded to me by my lfs they also recomended that i double the recomended dosage is this treatment any good the fish seem a bit better and more active still have clamped fins tho ???