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View Full Version : Substrate Replacement, Your Thoughts?

Sun Aug 09, 2009, 12:47 PM
I've convinced myself that my 6ft should have better quality substrate to achieve better plant growth. At the moment I have a combination of pool filter sand and Seachem Flourite. The tank runs with CO2 and MH lighting.

The next thing I've convincend myself of is that Eco Complete Planted Substrate in the 9kg bags seems to be a good replacement.

Apart from the challange of replacing the substrate in an established discus tank, I have a few questions I was hoping to get some input on.

How many 9kg bags are required to get good coverage (i.e. at least 2in)?
Have people have had experience with putting gravel over the top. Is the Eco Complete still effective when covered?
If I do a tank change (removing existing fish and plant) does anyone have any suggestions about how long the tank should sit before the fish can be put back in?
Any other suggestions?

Cheers in advance.

Fri Sep 11, 2009, 03:14 AM
You will want at least eight 9 kilo bags of Eco complete but ten bags would be better. That equates to about $500. Eco will function just as well covered as it will uncovered. As long as the plants roots find the eco they will be happy. IF you're uning RO water you will find taht this will leach out some of the minerals andf buffer your PH up a little as some have found. I use Eco & love it but I don't use RO water at this stage.

Caribsea now make both Black and Red varients of this substrate. There is also a Lve version which comes with bacteria to help kick start a tank cycle process. Some of the Live Version is not within specifications and I would be very cautious about this.

If you're adduing eco to an existing tank you will get a great grey cloud of sediment but this should be quicklyl sorted out either by settling or by using a filter full of filter wool.


Fri Sep 11, 2009, 05:07 AM
Hey aqua

i just did a simillar thing i swapped my 4x18 for a 4x28 fish and plants went into a holiday tank for 2 weeks and i used the same filtration in the holiday tank whilst they were in their. then when my new tank turned up i just drained emptied gravel etc swapped and filled with about %40 of the origonal water then filled put the gravel back in and plants i let it sit for 48 hrs and had the same filters back on it running again. 2 weeks now and no hassles i have kept doing my normal water changes to this week.


Sat Sep 12, 2009, 03:54 AM
Thanks for the resposes guys.

I decided in the end not to pursue the change because of the risk of substantial changes to water parameters while the tank settles. I read somewhere that changing the substrate is likely to trigger a tank cycle and I didn't want that to happen in the middle of the night or when I'm not around to deal with it, I have too many fish (and money) invested in the current set up to risk it all. I ended up getting more pool filter sand in the tank (slowly) and inserted fert tabs (SeaChem) to encourage plant growth. I figure with the MH lighting, C02 and substrate ferts, the plants should have enough to thrive.

It's been a valuable lesson though - spend the time and money getting the substrate setup properly before rushing to fill the tank up with water and fish, a common problem for many discus folk I suspect.