View Full Version : Head Down Swimming

Fri Aug 07, 2009, 10:36 AM
Hi guys, wondering if anyone can help we have got a white butterfly which when we first got it it was perfectly alright, recently it has taken to swimming head down, it is still feeding well, and is trying participate in spawning behaviour happening within the tank, with the spawning happening within the tank, one would guess that the water parameters are good. The fish get fed high protein pellets, flake, live brine shrimp, and frozen blood worms occasionally, so has anyone got any ideas or suggestions???


scott bowler
Fri Aug 07, 2009, 10:57 AM
cliff sounds like a swimblader problem , some times it will right its self , just keep up the good water and good food , good luck

Fri Aug 07, 2009, 09:24 PM
Just make sure she can get her fair share of food. I have a headstander myself. I have heard of many that get better but mine didn't ( but she was like that when I got her). She is very healthy but I do have her in with tha babies and all my stunted population as she couldn't compete for the food. Good luck I hope she improves.