View Full Version : Hi from Brisbane

Thu Aug 06, 2009, 06:32 PM
Hi everyone, I've been reading this forum for ages now and thought I should introduce myself since I made what I'm pretty sure is my first post over in the equipment forum (http://www.discusforums.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=19635)

I'm a 38 year old IT Project Manager and father of 3 boys. I've kept fish of and on, mostly on since I was a boy.

I currently have a planted 3 foot with a breeding pair of a. cacatuoides and a couple of other 2ft tanks with the usual assortment of tropical fish.

Very keen to get back into discus but for serious this time. Breeding quality fish as a hobby business. I figure if you're going to keep fish you might as well find a way for them to pay.


Sat Aug 08, 2009, 10:34 PM
Welcome to the site mawhins.

Some times the response time can be a little slow on here; maybe it's the cold weather.

I'm amazed you have time for fish with three boys. Anyway, I look fwd to reading more from you - I've had a look at your ideas for the push-button water change concepts. It certainly looks like it will work - well done. Will be interesting to hear more.

My motivation for discus is the beauty of the wild ones. I believe mans pursuit of perfection will be the undoing of the genetic integrity of the species - over time.

Anyway, just like you, I would like to breed enough of them to compensate for the cost of keeping them.



Sun Aug 09, 2009, 09:35 AM
Welcome Sean.....;)