View Full Version : Hang-on filter inside tank

Fri Jul 31, 2009, 12:30 PM
Is it possible to have a hang-on filter inside the tank?

I bought one recently and just realised that it would not be suited to my tank, since i have lids and a hood.

How would you hang it on anyway? Would you have to get rid of the lids and hood? I would not have thought this the case, as it would seem quite impractical, also seeing that it is quite a popular method of filtration.

My one also has a surface skimmer - making it also a problem where it is necessary to have the water up to the full capacity, so for hospital tanks etc where i may not need that much water, the skimmer makes it impossible to use the hang on.

I also have internal filters, however i dont find these as handy as they do not have the capacity to hold filter media, eg bio balls/noodles/matrix etc that will allow them to seed bacteria faster (just had a major disaster where the internal filter apparently did not seed enough bacteria, resulted in an ammonia breakout killing my breeding angels). That is why i opted for the hang on, as it allows you to do this.

What do you guys think?


Sat Aug 01, 2009, 08:15 AM
the skimmer should be removable, most models are, if you cant use a hang on with your hood, install a canister, something like an ehein 2213 would have more media capacity then all but the largest aqua clear HOB and only uses 8 w of power.

if this is a breeding setup use a sponge filter so as not to endager your fry.

Sat Aug 01, 2009, 10:22 AM
I have a sponge filter in there atm, but while they arent breeding/no fry i would like some extra filtration to suck up poo/uneaten food/other debris.
Thanks, also managed to take off the surface skimmer.