View Full Version : Discus Popularity

Sat Feb 05, 2005, 01:03 AM
I was thinking about the huge numbers of discus that are being sold in NSW alone, and I am stuck wondering, where do they all go?

As you have all seen, Kev sells batches by the hundreds in a few weeks, and many of you sell them privately. Not to mention all the other stores out there.

Id imagine that out of all the aquarists keeping tropical fish, that 10% would keep discus.

So are my numbers way out, or are people killing a lot of discus and buying more?

Sat Feb 05, 2005, 07:00 AM
Well I can account for 30-40 of them

Sat Feb 05, 2005, 08:07 AM
Thats what Im thinking, maybe discus owners are likely to have many tanks or larger ones.

Sat Feb 05, 2005, 09:16 AM
*raises hand* eeer 50 here.

Sat Feb 05, 2005, 10:32 PM
Outside what is available in shops I don't think all that many discus are being sold privately. Also SLS are about as close to discus specialists as you'll get, a lot of LFS's don't stock many discus with the exception of Canley Vale and a few others. It still equates to a lot of fish.

Yes, I think A LOT of discus die in the first month in people's tanks. I'd guess that less that 20% who keep or have kept discus really know much about what they are doing. So there is a less than average chance for a healthy discus.

I consider myself reasonably experienced with discus keeping and have never successfully treated a discus for worms. If I can't do it with three years of experience, this forum, my girlfriend who has kept discus before and worked in an aquarium and my LFS who actually know their stuff, then what chance does that give 90-95% of people who buy discus? Given the fact that a lot of discus for sale carry worms and other diseases I think the mortality rate would be horrific.

I'd like to think otherwise but it all points to lots of death and suffering for our fishy friends.

At least the discus trade is someone renewable with captive breeding. I shudder to think about the marine market.

Sat Feb 05, 2005, 11:12 PM
In my opinion, a lot of aquarium shops that do not specialise in discus would kill many. In the last week i have been to 4 aquarium shops around Melbourne and they have had several discus in tank/s and they look shocking! eg overly dark bodies, hiding in corners, very skinny around the stomach area, and are clearly not eating.
so my point is, a lot of these shops would be throughing some out,(not too many as it would be costly) and if they dont die, and inexpiericed fish hobbyist would take them home and the discus would finally die due to the extra shock.

Sun Feb 06, 2005, 01:51 AM
if you think the discus trade is big think about the neon trade

although they are small and cheap most people have bought them at some stage most likely in the order of 20- 50 fish, most of them will die in the new aquarium, but people still keep buying them

the truth of the matter is that discus arn't a hard fish to keep, its the lack of knowlege out there that make them hard to keep

my first adventure into discus was in a community tank with guppies neon angels and gourumis? and i wondered why they died. my LFS said they would do fine.

this has to be one of the reasons why so many are sold, so many die

plus once you get into it it's hard to get out! :wink:

Sun Feb 06, 2005, 02:12 AM
I guess you are right kalebjarrod, but its more a money issue, discus $50 bucks each, neons $2- each.

Sun Feb 06, 2005, 03:39 AM
Unfortunately a lot of people see fish as disposable pets. They don't see them in the same way as dogs and cats(and yes they often become disposable pets too).


I see your point as some LFS know there discus and some don't. LFS can get put in an awkward position though, as they often get imported discus which they buy off a price list and don't get to see what they are buying. They do, to a degree get there fingers burnt as much as you or I.

Unfortunately there are a lot of breeders in Asia that use methods which introduce tape worm. It's okay while they are in stable high temp water but they literally explode when they go through the stress of transport.

Who can we point the finger at? the ignorant hobbyist, the penny pinching LFS, the importers or the OS breeders(In some cases local breeders)?
A case of all the above really.

Sun Feb 06, 2005, 03:48 AM
Well said Trebs!
i agree with you totally on all those points!


Tue Feb 08, 2005, 08:02 AM
A case of all the above really.

i think you menat to say "a SHAME ITS a case of all of the above"

sad but true :cry:

Tue Feb 08, 2005, 10:13 AM
Here here Trebs.

I’ve been to a number of LFS around Melbourne usually if they do stock Discus it would only be a hand full (5-10 max), and a number of the LFS would have the discus tank at the back of the shop and no lights, you could hardly see what condition the fish you were buying.

OAFI would be the biggest Discus seller that I’ve found, please correct me if I’m wrong.

Also the info that a lot of the LFS give discus newbie’s like me is just incorrect, now wether it’s just not knowing or worse (income generating), I can see how and why there would be a large discus turnover.