View Full Version : Selling Discus

Thu Jul 23, 2009, 04:32 PM
Hello everyone!

Like most of you, I also have a passion for discus. For this reason, I have come here for some advice.

This hobby is starting to cost me a lot of $$$ and was wondering if anyone has had some luck selling discus? Also, what is the best way of going about selling discuss (breeding or importing wilds, selling to retailers or directly to customers)???

Any suggestions would be great!!!

Thu Jul 23, 2009, 05:07 PM
I think that many people who sell fish for a business do not do it becuase they make mega bucks, I think that all the associted goods are the products that make the money. I work closely with an importer in the UK, and he always tells me that there is no money in re-selling fish.

Unfortunately, too many people raise fish and sell them on to local shops because they want some return on their fish breeding. We see these fish generally as the mis-shapen, stunted, disease ridden fish in your lfs. For me, and this is my opinion, this practice should be stopped. We see too often people posting 'my new fish' which are now ill, bought from a lfs.
Sorry, I'm on my soapbox again.

If you are intent on selling your fish, get it right, breed true, raise properly and sell at the right age, be prepared for criticism and bad press if you get it wrong.

hth :)