View Full Version : Fish Daddy's 2nd A.trifasciata Spawn
Mon Jul 20, 2009, 06:55 AM
I sincerely hope I am not boring anybody but.....I am a fish daddy again ;-)
I am exceedingly pleased to announce my 2nd spawn of A.trifasciata discovered only moments ago. The PH is less than 6 with temp around 25 degrees which had been higher.
The recent spawn (announced last week) of trifasciata was in water at approx 6.7
To judge from the size of the fry I would estimate that this 2nd batch hatched approximately a week ago.
In both occasions this has been the first spawn for these parents and as usual for this species the spawn size is small. The tanks are complex so it is exceedingly difficult to accurately gauge the numbers but.....time will tell. Good thing I started another microworm culture!
Also of note is that the neither of the females is having anything to do with the fry and both males and females display courting behaviour
hmm, gotta go celebrate now ;-)
AND for all of those individuals who have been harrassing me to get myself a digital camera - I have been doing a little research and made inquiries about a camera today.
take care
Mon Jul 20, 2009, 07:11 AM
Spawns don't count unless there are pics to show :lol: Sorry, it's a new forum rule I just invented :twisted:
Well done :thumb
Tue Jul 21, 2009, 08:29 PM
Spawns dont count unless you have photos AND you promise to send me a nice little female once they are ready. ;)
Cant wait to see some pics.
Wed Jul 22, 2009, 08:48 AM
congratulations hassles... your fish look beautiful in person! ;)
heres a link to the digi camera we discussed with a comparison between models...
if you go the gh1, we can get fish videos from u too
Wed Jul 22, 2009, 11:09 AM
As always boydvd, green with envy that you get to see his fish! At least take a camera with you next time you go and post them for us... I'm hanging to see his trifasciata, bitaeniata and baenschi in particular. Did you see the fry when you were there? Or were they in hiding?
p.s. Congrats again on the fry
Thu Jul 23, 2009, 07:33 AM
Hi Kristina,
I totally forgot about the camera and will bring it next time to take some pix to share.
I didn't get to see the trifasciata fry as they were hididng. i did see the black neon fry though. it surprised me that a tetra would breed and grow like that.
I'm trying to get my water below pH 6 as i suspect that is why the panduro are eating their eggs... eggs must be fungussing or something.
Thu Jul 23, 2009, 11:37 PM
With a lot of Apisto's
The success of spawning is relavent to water hardness rather than ph
In hard water the eggs absorb the dissolved minerals and the outer shell hardens before the sperm can fertilise it....
I'd focus on GH and KH before use a Good % of rainwater/RO water..... :wink:
You will find it is much easier to get a low ph in soft water.
Fri Jul 24, 2009, 01:45 AM
thanks for the advice rod... i have been using RO water for tehse buggers... do you know what GH and KH i should aim for?
also i bought a TDS meter for teh RO and have got my water belwo 100ppm. The RO guys saidd i needed 40ppm for Discus so i would assume i need the same for Apistos...
apart from peet, oak & inidan almond leaves, what can one do to get your hardness down?
Fri Jul 24, 2009, 10:00 AM
Use rainwater to lower the hardness and Ph.
Fri Jul 24, 2009, 03:30 PM
Hey big daddy. Is rain water practical in the city? I'm VPN erned with airborne pollutants on the city contaminating the water
Sat Jul 25, 2009, 12:46 AM
40ppm is pretty low! I'm sure 100ppm is more than adequate.
Sat Jul 25, 2009, 12:59 AM
I have no problems with it. Even my shrimp love it. Id be more worried about the contents of tap water. ;)
Tue Jul 28, 2009, 01:17 AM
Rainwater even over RO to drop hardness?
Tue Jul 28, 2009, 01:48 AM
congratulations hassles... your fish look beautiful in person! ;)
heres a link to the digi camera we discussed with a comparison between models...
if you go the gh1, we can get fish videos from u too
Thanks for the link but......I have already bookmarked numerous sites with reviews of the GH1 and the G1 - at $3200 plus against $1600 plus the added expense for video options is not justifyable IMO
While these are excellent cameras the deciding factor will be the ability to utilise my myriad of Canon FD lenses which I can employ with these models above
take care
Tue Aug 04, 2009, 06:55 AM
If I am ever asked how I breed my fish I always state "I don't breed fish, fish breed themselves". My philosophy is to always keep the fish happy. If the fish are happy mother nature will play her hand and your fish will do what comes naturally. I cite this here rather than proclaiming my 3rd A.trifasciata spawn (approx a dozen fry) which emerged this morning. Now...if could only get my A.bitaeniata to spawn!!! Obviously something is amiss with their environment and I suspect this is the reason before laying blame on any other factors.
Apistogramma are 'generally' not a difficult fish to breed (I currently have more stiendachneri fry than one can poke a stick at), although there are some species that are exceptionally difficult - and Thomas imediately comes to mind here. The difficult varients often require very specific sets of water parameters which are not always simple to establish.
So while I am delighted to see more trifasciata it'll be champagne when the bitaeniata emerge!!! Gotta go check things again
take care
Sun Aug 09, 2009, 11:59 AM
Just for the record
July 14th - first spawn
Discovered trifasciata fry (bottom tank) PH approx 6.7 temp around 25 degrees. Fry appear to be a week to 10 days old.
July 20th - 2nd spawn
Discovered trifasciata fry (top tank) PH <6 temp around 25 degrees
Fry appear to be a week old
August 4th - 3rd spawn
Discovered trifasciata fry (bottom tank) PH approx 6.6 temp around 25.2 degrees GH=30 / KH <10
August 9th - 4th spawn
Discovered trifasciata fry (top tank) PH <6 temp around 25 degrees
pictures soon
Eleocharis acicularis
Sun Aug 09, 2009, 02:02 PM
Great to hear about the trifasciata spawns. Will be waiting to hear if new fry emerge around the 29th of this month.
The trifasciata eggs I saw with my pair are gone, with no sign of fry. Will be looking out for indications of another spawn...
Mon Aug 10, 2009, 10:46 AM
will the fry be for sale?
Tue Aug 11, 2009, 01:39 AM
will the fry be for sale?
I will be quite happy to provide some of the fry to interested individuals but....trifasiata are a slowly maturing fish. I take this as that will grwo quite normally but perhaps develop breeding tendencies a little later. Cichlid Atlas cites 6 months to maturity. As I have spawns from 2 different parents I shall be able to provide non related pairs ;-)
the fry from the first spawns are growing nicely and are still segregated.
Tue Aug 11, 2009, 05:32 AM
Hi Hassles,
Congrats again mate.
Im after a female when you have one available. Can you let me know price, postage, etc when your ready. :)
Tue Aug 11, 2009, 07:19 AM
Hi Hassles,
Congrats again mate.
Im after a female when you have one available. Can you let me know price, postage, etc when your ready. :)
as soon as I consider them grown enough to cope with bagging and shipping etc I shall make a post here. I'll try to snatch some images before then.
Tue Aug 11, 2009, 07:21 AM
Great to hear about the trifasciata spawns. Will be waiting to hear if new fry emerge around the 29th of this month.
The trifasciata eggs I saw with my pair are gone, with no sign of fry. Will be looking out for indications of another spawn...
While this scenario is not typical it is also not umcommon. When you see eggs again try not to disturn the tank and try leaving them in peace.
take care and best of luck
Tue Aug 11, 2009, 10:51 AM
will the fry be for sale?
I will be quite happy to provide some of the fry to interested individuals but....trifasiata are a slowly maturing fish. I take this as that will grwo quite normally but perhaps develop breeding tendencies a little later. Cichlid Atlas cites 6 months to maturity. As I have spawns from 2 different parents I shall be able to provide non related pairs ;-)
the fry from the first spawns are growing nicely and are still segregated.
Sounds great. Yea i have been keeping an eye out for some Trifasiata's aswell as some bitaeniata's too for a few years now, so waiting a bit longer wont help, plus it will give me time to setup a few tanks for them.
Im very keen in getting some and some bitaeniata's aswell if they are breeding for you.
Some images of Fish and Tanks would be great :)
Tue Aug 11, 2009, 11:19 AM
Sounds great. Yea i have been keeping an eye out for some Trifasiata's aswell as some bitaeniata's too for a few years now, so waiting a bit longer wont help, plus it will give me time to setup a few tanks for them.
Im very keen in getting some and some bitaeniata's aswell if they are breeding for you.
Some images of Fish and Tanks would be great :)
I have been having some difficulty with my A.bitaeniata - the female has killed 2 of my males. She has recently been rehoused into the domain of a mature male so my fingers are crossed and I am being decidely observent. If things don't go well she will be rehoused with a number of males.
Glaser had A.bitaeniata available on their last catalogue so....I would recommend a good harrassment of your LFS manager AND put your cash on the counter when you order / request that they order.
take care
Tue Aug 11, 2009, 12:13 PM
Glaser had A.bitaeniata available on their last catalogue so....I would recommend a good harrassment of your LFS manager AND put your cash on the counter when you order / request that they order.
take care
Thanks for the Info, ill get them to check it out.
Good luck with the Female
Thu Aug 13, 2009, 11:48 AM
any pics??
Fri Aug 14, 2009, 04:04 AM
Hassles: I hope I picked out the right picture to put up. You know, if you send me a few more I have more to choose from next time I upload for you :wink:
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