View Full Version : Black Ghost Knife.......

Fri Jul 10, 2009, 10:44 PM
Hi again guys,
I've just recently bought a Black Ghost Knife and was wondering:
a) What is the best food to give it?
b) When is the best time to feed it?
c) It loves the spot between my filter and the glass,
it only seems to come out momentarily and I don't
know if it's going to eat my beautiful Cardinal Tetra.
So what im asking for us advice as to how I can get it out during the day.
( Especially to feed the thing!!!!!!)


Fri Jul 10, 2009, 10:58 PM

They're nocturnal so generally don't come out during the day although as they get older they do tend to get less cautious. They like caves which are long and tubular - hollow logs or pipes are good. Feed in the evening - tetra's are a favourite so it'll defn eat you cardinals when it gets large enough. They need a meety food, frozen worms etc.


Mon Jul 13, 2009, 02:14 AM
I remember my first ghost knife when i first got into aquariums. The sucker wiped out my tetras over a few months. I named him Grim. That was my introduction into species research before you buy. :lol:

Wed Aug 19, 2009, 02:56 AM
This is my own opinion, but dont ever put a large ghost knife or any for that fact with Discus..they can get aggressive and usually intimidate other fish..They once injured my Discus and literally ate my Chocolate gourami

Fri Sep 11, 2009, 10:12 AM
i had a black ghost knife that was 15cms long nose to tail. it would peck / have a go at the discus when they got too close to its hidy hole (tween the filter and the glass wall, or whereeva it decided to hide)