Thu Feb 03, 2005, 02:33 AM
As NICHOLAS76 just let us know in his post about the melbourne water quality, does anyone catch and use rain water for thier fish?
As i write this post i can hear the water flowing down the gutters and out through the drain, so once again i got thinking, what would be the benifiets in doing it and what about problems?
The roof i have is those 1960's tiles, so that would have to be better than tin?
i guess any rain water would have to be better than treated tap water.
Thu Feb 03, 2005, 05:56 AM
I use rain water and tap water mix.
With rain water it lacks the buffering capicity, giving high Ph drops in time if not treated (soft water). I use geo liquid to put the right stuff back into the water (I think it works my tanks clear any way) I use tap water 50% take the clorine out (leave it stand) tap waters a bit harder, so hopefully it may maintain a more stable PH.
Good idea might be to clean gutters out though.
I sometimes let the rain water age in my buckets already half filled with tap water.
Fri Feb 04, 2005, 10:58 PM
Hello Prodigydiscus,
I don't have any choice but to use rainwater!! I think my ideal would be to use both. With rainwater I have the advantage of clear water to start with but all the disadvantages of unstable water because it has little or no buffering, depending on whether or not it is saved in concrete tanks. You will certainly have to learn basic water chemistry in my experience!!
Do lots of reading and research first!
Fri Feb 04, 2005, 11:03 PM
Hey Lesley what do you do to stabilize your PH, (Buffering) :?:
Wed Feb 09, 2005, 07:48 AM
Hello Chris,
haven't found perfect solution yet! Our water is stored in concrete tanks so there is a limited amount of buffering there. Water is highly unstable though and you can start off with 3 kH and the next morning it can be gone! I use calcium chloride, calcium sulphate in liquid form, soda bicarb and I have been trying oyster shells in the filters. They don't seem to last long though so we have to keep eating more oysters!! I have to regularly check the water going in to see if it needs any additives, depending on how long the water has been sitting in the tanks, and usually don't add at a water change. But have to check the next morning and see if I need additives. If I do, I have a solution of two parts ca.chloride and one part ca.sulphate which I add in small dribbles until pH and kH are nearing sustainable levels. Then I would add a teaspoon of epsom salts, and small amount of bicarb soda. If I was using only the rain water from the concrete tanks in a bb I think it would be different again. I think there must be enough minerals in the additives and the oyster shells, together with bio life in the tank because the plants look healthy and the discus look happy with good colour.
If I could get an automatic system whereby water was changed twice daily, everything would be fine. Trouble is we are thinking of selling, it's probably not a good idea to start knocking holes in walls!
I find that my 6' planted tank is fairly stable (it has a fair amount of mangrove wood) and I am able to keep it from having sudden changes, the 4' is a nightmare and seems to crash easily.
A balancing act I think.
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