View Full Version : Sick Discus ?
Tue Jun 30, 2009, 09:50 AM
I have a discus female that I bought as a breeding pair. I put them in my display tank while I was setting up a breeding tank. Over a couple of days the male decided he was interested in a another female and bred with that one instead. Since then the original female has gotten very skinny and doesn't look well. She eats but can't seem to put on weight. She is quite picked on. I have taken her out and put her in a tank on her own in the hope to fatten her up and make her healthy again. I have started treating her with a general parasite medication.If anyone can make any other suggestions it would be much appreciated
Thanks Jane
scott bowler
Tue Jun 30, 2009, 10:54 AM
jane i would worm her , that could be the trick , there are a lot of post on here about worming .hope that helps .
Andrew Soh
Thu Jul 02, 2009, 07:52 AM
Hello Jane,
Since you have taken out the female, letting her stay alone may have detrimental effect as a lonesome discus may not want to ingest food due to fear.
Don't jump into too much treatment but use natural means to help and promote adding a few smaller discus to the female. In this way, the female will feel 'Dominant' and thus becomes the leader of the pack. That will improve her condition.
Also, add some non-suger based B complex and dose in water @ 120mg per 100 litres of water....and raise the temperature to 29 to 30C.
Only if this still didn't encourage her to feed, then treatment may be the final option.
Take care,
Andrew :wink:
Fri Jul 03, 2009, 01:36 PM
I think you are right about her being on her own. She has a flower pot in the tank that she hides behind I will just have to see if I can find a smaller discus to keep her company. Though now she is on her own she is eating fine so hopefully she will pick back up in weight. I am not going to treat her for a few weeks see how she goes. I have turned up the temp so now I will have to look out for a companion. I really think she was bullied in the other tank and I think I will have to pull the breeding pairs out of the display tank, too much aggression. Thanks for the advice.
Cheers Jane
Andrew Soh
Fri Jul 03, 2009, 02:54 PM
If your want to add companion, don't add one but a few smaller ones.
Take care,
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