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View Full Version : discus fish panting

Mon Jun 22, 2009, 09:07 AM
I have a fairly young pigeon blood discus that cannot swim properly and will be either at the top of the
tank or just resting on the bottom panting quite hard he is also not eating any food I offer him.

I have put him in a quarantine tank with good quality water (hardness 4dH, pH 6.7 and there should be no ammonia/ nitrite or nitrates)
but the condition doesnt seem to be getting much better.

Mon Jun 22, 2009, 09:29 PM
What are your nitrite nitrate and ammonia readings and temp?

Can we have some more info on your tank, feeding cleaning routine and water changes. How long have you had the fish?

Tue Jun 23, 2009, 05:36 AM
I am feeding them twice daily with
just a pinch and a bit of food although
there other fish the tank is also
currently full of 200 liters of water

I have had the fish for roughly 2 months
and only one is sick

I do a 25 percent weekly although I started to do it twice a week

The temp is 30 degrees but the heater is set to 34
There should be not much ammonia
because the tank is highly airated and
the is nothing rotting or other pollutants
but I can't be sure since I don't have the testers
but I'm getting them soon

So I don't really know

Tue Jun 23, 2009, 08:45 AM
jst found ths weird stuff at the bottom of the hospital tank and microscoped it and there were these weird kinda freeky tiny WORMS PLEASES ADVISE

Tue Jun 23, 2009, 04:51 PM
Get a test kit

Wed Jun 24, 2009, 12:39 AM
Get a test kit


If you can post as much info as possible then one of our more experienced members should be able to help you out.

I think you've made a good move by putting it in a hospital tank. I would ensure you are doing regular changes on the hospital tank with well aged water... Make sure the PH of the fresh water is the same as the hospital tank... The last thing you want to do is stress the fish out more.

Adding some salt (If you do not already do so) may also help until you can get some more info on your water conditions.

Sat Jun 27, 2009, 05:22 AM
worked out what the worms where and am dosing them with prazi i also
bought the test kits and the water is amonia and nirate free

thanks for your help everyone

Sat Jun 27, 2009, 07:15 AM
You mean Ammonia and NitrIte free? I would expect a Nitrate reading since it indicates your filter is in good working order.

Sat Jun 27, 2009, 10:27 PM
Depends on the tank. I rarely get a nitrate reading.

Sun Jun 28, 2009, 06:49 AM
Still nice to know nitrIte, just to be sure though :wink: