View Full Version : neon tetra's
Wed Feb 02, 2005, 11:56 AM
Every time I buy neon tetra's a few days later my discus eat the all. They are preety big when I buy soon later turn into food. my discus are fed regularly but Im thinkig of buying 50 cardinal tetra's but that will be expensive and don't want my hard earned dollars ending up as food???
any suggestions
Wed Feb 02, 2005, 12:30 PM
You can only keep cardinals with discus if they have been introduced when the discus are small. Otherwise they just become very pretty, yummy discus snacks. BTW neons don't do well in the warmer waters favoured by discus. Cardinals are definately a better tankmate, so long as you can prevent them from becoming snacks. :wink:
Wed Feb 02, 2005, 12:34 PM
I have had better luck with rummynose tetra than neons, but my luck ratio is 50% ... those that survive past 2-3 weeks are invincible. I now have about 16 lasted 3 months and their red bits are as red as a cherry, but I probably went through 32 to get that many.
Wed Feb 02, 2005, 12:42 PM
Well said Merrilyn. That had me puzzled I was a non believer,
because Ive got cardinals but ive had them since day one :shock:
Wed Feb 02, 2005, 02:05 PM
speaking of cardinals and rummy nose tetras, i have about a dozen of each that i want to me if you are interested
Thu Feb 03, 2005, 04:22 AM
We have 13 Neons with our discus and none have been eaten...
Thu Feb 03, 2005, 05:15 AM
I had a great school of about 40 neons, who had lived with the discus for about 6 months. I added some more discus who have now seemed to teach my discus how to catch the neons. Whilst I was watching the other night they ganged up on one and chased him down. I am down to 9 now.
As for young ones my sister has some maybe 6cm who work in a pack to catch and eat the neons. Hers dont bother the black neons and I have two black neons (I was given them) in with my juvi (17) which havent been eaten.
Thu Feb 03, 2005, 05:31 AM
If you have a spare tank I'd look at feeding up the cardinals with bloodworm for a while before adding them to the discus tank. If you can get them up to 3-4cms I'd guess they'd fair better.
Could try Congo tetras if you want a schooling fish that won't get eaten. I'd like to see a discus chase one of those down! I'd only recommend this in a 90gal plus tank though. They need a lot of room.
Thu Feb 03, 2005, 06:33 AM
yeah mattliza if your from melb and how much very interested in buying some fish.
post reply to
Thu Feb 03, 2005, 08:07 AM
sorry i'm in sydney
Fri Feb 04, 2005, 07:46 AM
tetras - chocalote of the amazon
Ive had tanks both discus and tetras have gotten on great, and othere were discus will eat them at night when the tetras are asleep.
Fri Feb 04, 2005, 08:09 AM
I took my neons to the lfs today as my discus, even though they only juvis hunt them as a pack antil ones on its own and then eat it like they are piranas its unbelievable to watch but felt sorry for the rest so gave them away.
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