View Full Version : 6'x2'x2' Cabinet
Gone Fishing
Mon Jun 01, 2009, 09:58 AM
Hi All,
I am planning to build my own aquarium cabinet.
Haven't done one before.
Hoping to make a nice one from pine, stain & varnish it.
Anyone got any plans or pictures or just basically HELP!
p.s. The wife says I can't do it, but now I see I have to prove her wrong.
Many Kindly Fishy Regards
Mon Jun 01, 2009, 12:08 PM
1.) Google (is a great tool)
2.) Bunnings DIY plans (cabinets etc)
3.) Old threads here (if you've got time to search)
GL and be sure to post up some before and after pics...;)
Mon Jun 01, 2009, 01:44 PM
i have a cabinet for my 6x2x2, i used 4"x2" timber my advice is spend the money use 4"x3" timber MINIMUM 4x4 would be better (my 4x2 is starting to sag at the front.
you NEED 6 legs, i have 6 but 4 at the back and 2 at the front you NEED 3 front 3 back with 4x2, with 4x3 you could proably get away with 3 or 4 at the back and only 2 at the front to make it easier to get a sump in.
make life easy for your self make 2 frames for top and botom bolt in your legs fill bolt holes with builders bog or similar putty if your going to varnish, make doors and side panels from a matching pine frame (19mm dar pine is fine) and use a vineared board for the fill.
good luck!
Gone Fishing
Tue Jun 02, 2009, 03:55 AM
i have a cabinet for my 6x2x2, i used 4"x2" timber my advice is spend the money use 4"x3" timber MINIMUM 4x4 would be better (my 4x2 is starting to sag at the front.
you NEED 6 legs, i have 6 but 4 at the back and 2 at the front you NEED 3 front 3 back with 4x2, with 4x3 you could proably get away with 3 or 4 at the back and only 2 at the front to make it easier to get a sump in.
make life easy for your self make 2 frames for top and botom bolt in your legs fill bolt holes with builders bog or similar putty if your going to varnish, make doors and side panels from a matching pine frame (19mm dar pine is fine) and use a vineared board for the fill.
good luck!Thanks All,
I don't know much about sumps. Was going to go canister filters, but I guess sumps are cheaper. Why sumps than canister filters?
Many Kindly Regards
Tue Jun 02, 2009, 04:28 AM
A EHEIM 2080 Pro3 which is a massive canister filter has a max capacity of 12L of media and costs about $600, my newest sump is a 4'x2'x10" tank (to fit in a space) cost me $350 and has a massive 45L of media capacity (more than 3x that of the eheim) add in an ehiem compact +3000l/h pump $150 and you've got a massive filter at a cheep price. Its also a nice place to put heaters, co2 controlers, a UV sterilizer a thermometer and a pair of bristlenoses with out cluttering up the tank. you might want to add one later, thats all, so build space into the cabinet now while you have the chance. even if you never use it if you go to sell the tank and cab a few years on it will make it easier to sell as the new owner might want a sump.
if your in guildford swing by penrith and I'll go through the do's and dont's of a diy 6x2x2 stand with you. as it looks like I'm going to have rebuild or atleast seriously modify mine.
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