View Full Version : worms, help!!!

Fri May 29, 2009, 03:41 PM
hi all. i've had a lot of fatalities in recent days. i lost 4 seemingly healthy apistogramma and about 12 neon and rummy nose tetras.

i am real worried.

at first it hough it was a breeding apisto female who killed everyone, now i think it's disease!!

my guppy has pop eye and a rummy nose tetra looks like it has a worm growing from his head!!!

what do i need to do and treat it?

here is a pic of a rummy nose tetra. they look like they have raised scales. sorry about the bad pic. also looks like a worm growing from his head.

is ths becuase i fee dlive food?

please help!

Fri May 29, 2009, 03:43 PM
ps. my ammonia is nil, 9GH, 3 Kh, PH7