View Full Version : swollen fin muscle? or not..

Thu May 28, 2009, 01:49 PM
This Angel Ive had for just about a year, shortly after I noticed puffyness from the side fin at the base or it.
thought the worst at first, but it has never bothered him, and he acts like any other of my Angels.
then over a period of time it got a little bigger, still no sign of distress,
have treated with melifex before months ago, but no improvement.
As some may know Ive set up a 80gal and since moved him there, now has gotten even bigger? but doesnt bother him.
Didnt think it was a parasite, no signs of rubbing/scatching against anything, loss of appitite etc..
heres a couple of pix, anything I can do? is it a cyst/growth..


Fri May 29, 2009, 03:56 AM
..yah, its not a Discus...well he is doing fine, and has been like this for a while, will just keep a close eye on it, and keep doing some searches here on the web.
once I have the 20gal cycled hospital, he will be put there and try other meds..just looking for some info first.
the tank he was in showed Ammonia- 0, Nitrite- 0 , Nitrate 0-5 no more than 10, PH 7.0- 7.2, Was in with alot of fish, my cleanning schedule was twice a week, etc
hes now in 80gal, Amm 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 0, dont think NO3 reached 5, for if it did at all It was the day of the water change, every 3 days 25%.
monday evening/ thursday evening/ saturday evening, sunday if im out.. :wink:
who knows maybe it is just something he was doomed to get.. :?

Fri May 29, 2009, 04:02 AM
If your really worried take the fish out ly it on a wet hand towel and just spot some betadine onto itthen drop it back in the water, looks a little inflamed but i dont think its anything to worry about.

Fri May 29, 2009, 11:26 AM
ok, I can do that.
thanks, where to get this Betadine? going to goggle it..
thanks Illusn

Fri May 29, 2009, 02:35 PM
betadine is a topical disinfectant it works great for minor cuts and surface wounds, its also very non toxic, get the liquid in the dropper bottle and just put one drop on the joint then plonk the fish back into the water

Sat May 30, 2009, 03:16 AM
I goggled it, thanks picking up some tomorrow, its worth a try..
thinking of trying it on a very large Cichlid at work, hes a rescue and got beat up bad, might do wonders for him..