View Full Version : Whats around and where to look.
Sat May 16, 2009, 10:29 AM
Hi all,
Im looking for a new pair of apistos. Im leaning towards are nice pair of cacs or Macmasteri at this stage but im still undecided.
It all depends on what is available in Sydney.
Where should i be looking? Local breeders seem to be incredibly hard to find......
Sun May 17, 2009, 05:22 AM
Last weekend at Aquapets, I think they had a pair of Macmasteri. They had a few other types as well. Don't know what's left now, being a week later.
There is also B & C Aquarium on Bunnerong Road & Auburn Aquarium - they both sometimes have apistos, although I don't know what they have right now.
Sun May 17, 2009, 07:35 AM
I was at Aquapets today...plenty of nice looking Macmasteri, also had a nice variety of cacatoides (All pure red fins, really nice).
They had another species/variety there that I havent heard of and to looked like a normal cacatoides ...also had some agassizis that didnt look the best to me.. a bit deformed.
The macs looked very nice though....should have bought some really...dont know why I didnt?
Sun May 17, 2009, 11:50 AM
I dropinto Auburn Aquarium each week as i work just around the corner.
I might have to visit Aquapets in the near future.
Thanks guys.
Mon May 18, 2009, 02:26 AM
A forum member (harley) in Newcastle just bought some cacatuoides and was tempted by the viejita. Perhaps he can offer an elaboration upon where the aquarium is :?:
Mon May 18, 2009, 11:34 AM
A local store in Newcastle got in some Apistos on Friday. They got Cacatouides Double Reds, small but nice. Some agassizi DR probably the same your been seeing around lately.
Also A.Honsloi, A.hongnei and A.Viejita. The later looked to have potential to be nice fish.
Hunter Pets, Thornton at the end of the F3. I not sure you would want to drive that far, I just wanted the inform any members in the area.
Mon May 18, 2009, 08:43 PM
Thanks Harley,
A.Viejita is another that im considering. Im finding it quite difficult to go past Cacs atm. ;)
Thu May 21, 2009, 10:16 AM
If you like cacs and feel like a little drive, I know Aquariums@Asquith has them in Double Reds. Although the males weren't the best in colour really, but the females had some quality. Most of the time it is better to purchase the female first and let her settle into the tank before getting the male anyway.
You can also check out Reef Aquaruims Hornsby on the way. They sometimes have Apistos too. Both are on the Old Pacific Hwy and are shops that are worth a look.
Thu May 21, 2009, 10:34 PM
From my perspective - one of the problems we have with Apistos is that there is not a lot of stock comes in. This means that we have limited genetics, hence a lot of local bred stuff ends up too inbred and this gives us the sorts of deformities that are commonly seen - face deformatiesand caudal issues seem most common - but keep an eye on the ventrals too.
Hence my suggestion is be careful of local bred unless you know the breeder and they confirm breed stock from different sources - this is especially true of the common stuff (cacs, aggies, borellie, macs)
One store up here is doing there bit by importing good males and selling paired up with good local girls - or girls from other sources. I have a great looking male cac - nice blue flourescents in his face. (I swore when I set up my fish room I would never get cacatoides in my tanks)
Tue Jul 21, 2009, 11:57 AM
B&C are getting orange cacs in this Thursday I can't wait to go check them out! They are gettin them in with their new shipment of apistos so I'm assuming there will be more than that there...
Tue Jul 21, 2009, 08:31 PM
I ended up getting a pair of trifasciata shipped to my from Qld. ;)
Tue Jul 21, 2009, 11:51 PM
Went to Neptune Aquarium (MY LFS) and they have some gorgeous double red cacs and some other apisto i forgot the name of (Stunning fish whatever it was). Pretty sure they are all males though as they were all very red.
Wed Jul 22, 2009, 12:55 AM
I might have to pop in there and check them out.
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