View Full Version : Strange Goings On

Wed May 13, 2009, 10:45 AM
I've been keeping discus for a years now. I currently have a 6ft discus tank with various tank mates, most of whom do well and have been in this tank since it was setup 7months ago. Water parameters are the usual. Temp typically 28deg. Filtration is good through an Eheim 2260 with 3,500lph. Lighting runs 9hrs/day with four flourescents and during that time, 3 x 150W MH come on for 4hrs at mid-day.

For some reason, I keep losing (i.e. they die) bristlenoses and Saimese Algae Eaters. I lost four albino bristlenoses over the last three months and about the same SAEs. Its got me buggered. I've got albino corys, tetras, sailfin pleco, glass catfish and a few others all doing well. I've seen threads on the forum about high (30deg plus) temps affecting bristlenoses, but my tank temp usually sits below that. I usually feed frozen blood worms, tetra flake and discus granuals.

Any ideas?

Wed May 13, 2009, 12:12 PM
I had exactly the same problem... and I'm still stumped...

:ug :scratch

Wed May 13, 2009, 01:33 PM
I'm guessing diet, too much protein can and will kill them, dads always died in his tanks due to too much protein and no wood

Wed May 13, 2009, 10:44 PM
I'm guessing diet, too much protein can and will kill them, dads always died in his tanks due to too much protein and no wood

That would make sense... they were always pigging the beef heart down...


Thu May 14, 2009, 10:03 AM
Mmmm. I'm still stumped. I have a fairly large piece of driftwood in the tank (see picture) and I would say there's minimal algae type growth on the wood and glass walls of the tank to keep them fed despite the protein rich foods.

I've kept BNs for years in a previous tank with no problem. Would they not cope with living on the algae and plant matter in the tank alone?

Thu May 14, 2009, 11:48 PM
mine always do better on a diet that 60% zeuchini, 30% algae wafers (wardley and hikari) and 10% high proten (shrimp pellets/ color bits/ beefheart mix)