View Full Version : Angel not eating, white poos - whats wrong and how to treat?

Tue May 05, 2009, 07:49 AM
Hi, I have had these angels for a while now and have settled in.

A while ago, I noticed one of my angels, who was at one stage the biggest and greediest, stop eating, however I didnt think much of it as it still came up for food. Now, he is the smallest. I am getting quite concerned now - he still does not eat - he comes up for the food, excitingly awaiting it in the "food spot" with all the other fish, however once the food touches its mouth, it ignores it, and does not even bother opening his mouth. Every so often he does take one into his mouth, but spits it out. I do see him, however, scavenging the ground for food.

Recently, another of my bigger angels has aquired this problem - same thing how it comes up to eat but doesnt bother eating. However, today I noticed it had white poos - trouble?

What do you guys think is the problem? Worms? Parasites? Probably something internal? What would you recommend dosing them with? I hear Waterlife Sterazin is for parasites - would this be recommended?

Thanks in advance!

Thu May 14, 2009, 12:06 PM
Have heard about Big L - will this work?
Are they readily sold at LFS or are they cheaper/more accessible online?

Fri May 15, 2009, 10:10 AM
I should add, I have noticed that although it seems to spit out the food, it seems to eat the almost "microscopic" crushed food from the other fish's broken up food. Is this normal?
What are the signs when it has worms?

Fri May 15, 2009, 10:15 PM
sounds like worms i would treat with big L

Sat May 16, 2009, 02:31 AM
check your ammonia levels for starters, metro will treat it, but you need to remove the root cause which is probably ammonia.