View Full Version : what is it? algae growth

Tue May 05, 2009, 01:27 AM
Hello, tank has been running for about 2 weeks, still cycling, NitrIte are on the rise. Have been for 3 days abouts..
after the first week, I added some plants 2 Amazon Swords good size about a foot or more high..
String algae off of them and my most concern is the rusty circles on everything, driftwood , gravel, glass, bottom of tank( I have an open area), what is it , would it be my water chemistry?..too hard, (it is hard) planning on adding peat or black water extract ,later when cycled, should I now?
take out the plants?
Ive got none of this in my other tanks (4)
Its an open top tank, and I also have a white skin layer on it I can net away..never had this either?
Im at a loss..can anyone help?

Tue May 05, 2009, 01:35 AM
I would leave the plants in the tank?

How are you cycling the tank? What is your ammonia source?

Has anything been sprayed in the room where you have the tank? With regards to the white skin it may be something in the air that is setlleing on the water?

Post some pics... will help to ID the sports.

Tue May 05, 2009, 02:02 AM
about a few days ago I added some large Danios (purple passion)

I do spray but not close to the tank at all..,but we do have 2 smokers..that could be it..
will try to get up some pix..give me a bit..
thanks Sue

Tue May 05, 2009, 02:33 AM
Sounds like diatoms or just mulm i wouldn't worry

Wed May 06, 2009, 03:36 AM
Illusn are you referring to the slime on the top of the water, or the rusty/orange algae?
sorry for my ignorance, but Ive never had all this in my tanks before.. so I dont know how to deal with it..
seems the slime on top is slowly going.
Question.. could I use a small skimmer for the slime remover .
The other is very unsightly. what could I do about it..
sorry to be a bother, but I cant add fish into the tank, not like this..