View Full Version : Ghost Knives + Tetras and Rams?
Thu Apr 30, 2009, 09:58 AM
Hi again guys.
Just thinking about what to place in my first discus tank and thought a Ghost Knife would be good plus some rummynose and/or cardinals and a couple of Rams...hopefully a guy and girl :).
Just wondering whether this combination would b ok or not?
Thu Apr 30, 2009, 11:36 AM
Ive herd that Ghost Knife fish prey on tetras. So might want to be careful there lol
Thu Apr 30, 2009, 12:34 PM
GKF are awesome fish but they will prey on small tetras.
Rummy nose and Cardinal tetras are fantastic schooling fish and highly recommended. If you keep these with a GKF besure to purchase ADULTS and not the smaller juvi's your LFS can sell.
I've never kept rams but believe they too are suited.
Thu Apr 30, 2009, 05:23 PM
Rams and the other small fish will be fine. I wouldn't put in a GKF in with discus at all though.
Thu Apr 30, 2009, 11:17 PM
Yea knowing my luck ill go and buy sweet as tetras and wake up the next morning and theyll all be gone....but ill have a nice fat GKF!!! :)
Thx guys
Sun May 03, 2009, 12:38 PM
Rams and the other small fish will be fine. I wouldn't put in a GKF in with discus at all though.
oops got one in with mine. Why shouldn't they be kept together?
Sun May 03, 2009, 01:01 PM
oops got one in with mine. Why shouldn't they be kept together?
Good question? I know they can be aggressive - but this is usually toward their own kind - generally speaking shouldn't they be fine to keep with Discus and Angels - larger tropical fish?
And if its in a planted tank - a GKF should have decent hiding spots?
I LOVE it when these questions pop up - I ALWAYS learn something new.
Sun Nov 07, 2010, 12:22 PM
I wouldnt put a GKF with your discus. I currently have one in my community tank. He is over 10" long and just on a year old. He has no shame at all in having a go at the angelfish in there. Thankfully they arent stressed by him and are quick enough to get out of his way. Verry interesting fish and fascinating to watch but he is quite agressive and its because of that i am considering moving him on.
Sun Dec 26, 2010, 11:22 PM
From my experience, I've had my BGKF kill 2 large Silver Sharks. My BGKF are about 8 inches and 6 inches. People say you shouldn't keep more than one electric fishes but I haven't had any problems. They both hide and live in the same driftwood cavity.
The bigger BGKF has attacked 2 Silver Sharks that were 8 inches long as well. I was truly surprised as these sharks are fast and given the size, thought it would be left alone. The first thing the BGKF went for are the eyes. The sharks didn't survive for long after that. Both sharks died from their injuries and starvation from being unable to find their food.
That being said, I have 10 Albino Corys. 6 are fairly large, slightly bigger than 1.5 inches. However, I have 4 which are still very small - half an inch. The 2 BGKF have left them alone (likely due to the armoured plating on them). I also have 8 rummy noses (around an inch long) and 8 discus in this tank. Discus ranges from 2-4 inches (mouth to peduncle). I'm still fairly new to discus though. Only had them for just over 6 months.
I believe the attacks was due to me trying to change the diet of the BGKF a bit. I started reducing their peas and introducing beef heart. They didn't seem to go for the beef heart. I have reverted back to peas for my BGKF. If you keep it well fed, I think the BGKF should not pose a problem. I've also put the driftwood which both my BGKF hide in on one end of the tank with plenty of room between that and the open space which the discus usually swim in.
Mon Dec 27, 2010, 06:48 AM
The main issue isn't the BGK killing your discus via attacking them. It's because they are nocternal and will scare discus during the night while they sleep.
Heiko Bleher
Thu Dec 30, 2010, 02:49 AM
Hi guys,
your for the New Year, I think everyone wants to make a wish, and I wish that you all (and every Discus lover and keeper), will keep Discus the natural way.
If you all look a round in the www and trace Heiko Bleher's Biotopes (or just on my my website there are a few Discus biotopes under BLEHER'S BIOTOPES and in the new publication DISCUBOOK01 6 different ones in all sizes, also for tank bred Discus, are shown and explained in details, decor, water, mates, etc.). You can see that worldwide people are doing it more and more - keeping them the natural (correct) way. And suddenly Discus lover enjoy their Discus 100times more than before.
Do not mix Discus with fishes they do not know, and definitley not fishes from African, Central American, North America. Asian or Australasian origine.
You all have a healthy and good one and great aquariums in 2011. The nature way...
All the best
Heiko Bleher
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