View Full Version : I have small worms in my tank --- a reason for concern ??
Thu Apr 30, 2009, 08:18 AM
Greetings guys -- as topic says -- i have these very small white worms that i can easily see on my glass( in tank - not on the outside) - they are almost 2 mm long ( very small to look at ) and almost look like miniature maggots - or very very tiny bits of rice - its only when you look real close you can see them squirm
I have a tank that has been established now for about 3 years - its about 500 Litres has 4 Adult discus in it and plants that are absolutely thriving and if left alone in 2 weeks almost take over the tank
anyone know what they could be ??? and are they harmful and if so -- how do i get rid of them ?
If you need a photo - let me know - will break out the digital SLR and shoot of a few snaps
Thu Apr 30, 2009, 11:23 AM
could be Planaria (flat worms) - cause by uneaten food, rotting plants and generally - to much waste in the tank - not dangerous for fish, however, not good for eggs as the worms eat em' - if left alone - will SERIOUSLY multiply in the gravel. Post a pic - couldn't hurt - but i reckon that's what they are.
I would give ya tank a nice thorough gravel vac, pull out any rotting leaves and reduce feeding for a bit. If you have small fish - they may eat them (mollies, corys etc) - but id be more concerned of your ammonia levels - as i said - if there are flat worms - you generally have to much waste in the tank - meaning ammonia spikes
Thu Apr 30, 2009, 05:05 PM
I agree with George,
Planaria are caused by lack of maintenance and over feeding
Fri May 01, 2009, 07:15 AM
NP - will charge up the battery on the SLR and try take pics over the weekend
Fri May 01, 2009, 05:43 PM
NP - will charge up the battery on the SLR and try take pics over the weekend
I would make a water change the first priority Boc. :wink:
Sat May 02, 2009, 06:56 AM
as of late - i have been doing at least 1/2 a tank water change every week
i do have a lot of alge at the moment -- not sure why as i have actually decreased the amount of food i feed the fish -- and its normally all eaten within 10 min .... ( they like to let it sit for about 5 min before eating it )
Sat May 02, 2009, 07:05 AM
Get a Phosphate test kit if you haven't got one already and post your findings - usually algae is caused by high phosphates and/or excess feeding and to much light.
If you feeding flakes - i wouldn't leave them in there for 10 mins - the will get into the gravel and 'rot' - same with most foods actually - i would see what they eat in 2 - 3 mins and scoop / gravel vac the rest out - remember its about feeding a little 3 - 5 times a day - not a lot 1 - 2 times a day
Wed May 06, 2009, 12:21 PM
HI guys -- well i done most of the water tests -- Nitrate ,Nitrite amonia ... all registering 0
as for feeding and removing the food they dont eat within 5 min - these fish are actually very weird when it comes to eating .... I can have the food Rain down on top of them and they will just let the food go to the bottom without any interest - its only after about 10 min that they then eat it .... almost like they want the food to Soak for a while before eating .... they ALL do the same thing - i even didnt feed them for a 24 hour period and same thing happened when i did feed them
SERA discus granules is what i feed them. there is no leaf litter or dead plants in the tank at all - any bits that may come off the plants don't die but immediately begin to grow roots
could not get a photo of the worms - but will post a pic of my setup tomorrow .....
Wed May 06, 2009, 12:39 PM
no probs - some fish will do that - instead of feeding as the food drops, they will wait till it hits the bottom and pick at it - just to be sure to vac it out when their done - if they dont gobble it all down first that it
Thu May 07, 2009, 06:57 PM
I kinda feel like algae doesnt help either. I noticed if I let algae build up little particles kind of stick to it. I never really had the little worms, but I have had lots of particles floating in the tank. once I removed the algae the water cleared up. so that may help. I would go along with what everyone said and just try to keep the tank sparkling clean. that should knock those worms right out IMO.
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