View Full Version : I got my package
Thu Apr 30, 2009, 12:25 AM
I feel very stimulated. Thanks Krudd! :lol:
Thu Apr 30, 2009, 12:44 AM
As a student and a tax payer, I have been stimulated twice... or rather my credit cards have been :)
Thu Apr 30, 2009, 12:59 AM
Apparently there are talks of a third stimulation. I hope i get stimulated again. :?
Thu Apr 30, 2009, 12:26 PM
Seriously what a waste of money. But I did enjoy spending mine well on a nice 5.1 set of Wharfedale surround sound speakers.
What else is everybody else spending there money on? Fish or tank perhaps?
Thu Apr 30, 2009, 11:49 PM
Ive got an AAD (American Acoustic Development) setup in my lounge room. Its been the sweetest, crisp, sound and hasnt missed a bit for the last 5 years.
Im boarding in NZ this july so am putting some towards a new jacket, goggles. The rest will probably go on my credit card.
Fri May 01, 2009, 06:38 AM
Noise... yeh AAD is a good brand however the manufacting of Audio equiptment is all made in the same factories these days which is really sad.
Take Wharfedale for example. An English loud speaker manufacture since the early 1930's. But these days they are owned by some Chinese group who bought out several other large audio companies.
Fri May 01, 2009, 07:07 AM
Bugger. I bought speakers made by a company who specialises in sound (speakers) rather than produces all different kinds of products because i wanted quality. I guess its the way of the modern world now though. Its pay back for the days when Western countries bought cheap rice from Asia only to sell rice bubbles back at an inflated price. I guess it comes down to economics. Supply and Demand / best price etc etc.
Sat May 02, 2009, 01:12 AM
I'm still waiting for my krudd package... will just pay it off my credit card anyway.
I agree Matt, serious waste of money, instead I think cuts to small business taxes would be a much more significant stimulus. I can't believe how many taxes you have to pay running a small business.... some please explain to me payroll tax!
Some times I really want to be a politician and get some common sense in there but how to do it without being corrupted. how they can pass a $90 payrise for them selves and not give the pension a rise is beyond me. I just spent the week rounding up refugees which meant i had to spend yesterday in quarantine... but i bet they get looked after better than our war veterans
sorry for the rant...!
Sat May 02, 2009, 01:34 AM
I own a small business and don't get the package but pay my taxes just like everyone else. Agreed money could be better spent elsewhere. My beef is all those bludgers out there who don't work and can, live on the dole, get a health care card so don't have to pay for anything. I'm not talking about the genuine ones just the bludgers. I have one customer who has never worked a day in her life and spends a small fortune on jewellery from my store. She was telling me just before christmas once she receves her $1000.00 from the goverment she will have $10,000.00 in the bank. Knock me over with a feather. I have people comming in asking me if I have any jobs going and then continuing on to say I don't really want one but have to ask so I can keep getting my dole payments,can you sign my sheet :shock:
Sat May 02, 2009, 01:57 AM
That just blows me one should be getting money from the government for nothing... but we have a small part to play in this cos we never do anything about it.
Sat May 02, 2009, 07:46 AM
I have people comming in asking me if I have any jobs going and then continuing on to say I don't really want one but have to ask so I can keep getting my dole payments,can you sign my sheet :shock:
I hope you tell them to bugger off! The welfare mentality in this country is getting out of control. I cannot beleive they're just handing out $900 cheques! What's that going to achive. How about some large infrastructure projects which delivery jobs today and we can use them for years to come - like the Snowy Hydro Scheme for example.
Sun May 03, 2009, 08:54 AM
How about they stimulate the economy by getting banks to lower credit card interest rates.
i spent mine on the rego and house bills.
Sun May 03, 2009, 09:03 AM
How about they stimulate the economy by getting banks to lower credit card interest rates.
i spent mine on the rego and house bills.
Typical Tight A$$ lower interest rates
how about for you Nick, stop spending money on corals LOL
Sun May 03, 2009, 09:07 AM
they stimulate me more Krudd and his gumby treasurer ever will !
Sun May 03, 2009, 09:10 AM
well i missed out on my wallet being stimulated today !!!
i'll just get the calculator out , and see if i can spend some of your package :P:P
Sun May 03, 2009, 09:11 AM
im sorry your honour todays events escape my memory lOL
Sun May 03, 2009, 09:47 AM
im sorry your honour todays events escape my memory lOL
Typical :(
Sun May 03, 2009, 10:48 AM
Man I'ver missed Nic and Tommo
Sun May 03, 2009, 10:34 PM
hahaha :lol:
Mon May 04, 2009, 07:02 AM
Man I'ver missed Nic and Tommo
Yes you have !!!
There is nothing like a little friendly banter :P
And i also see ILUSN you are still making 1000 posts a day LOL
:P :wave1 :wave1 :wave1 :laff4 :laff4 :laff4 :laff4
cheers mate
Thu Jun 18, 2009, 01:15 PM
post a pic of your new tank mate!!!
and then a picture of the bruises we got lifting this beast into place
Fri Jun 19, 2009, 05:40 AM
post a pic of your new tank mate!!!
and then a picture of the bruises we got lifting this beast into place
i have not taken a pic yet :P
Sat Jun 20, 2009, 02:22 PM
post a pic of your new tank mate!!!
and then a picture of the bruises we got lifting this beast into place
what he said :lol:
Sat Jun 20, 2009, 10:04 PM
No joke ! Nick Seriously i have not taken any pics !
Sat Jun 20, 2009, 11:46 PM
Of course you have havent
thats why im saying ........TAke a pic LOL
Sat Jun 20, 2009, 11:49 PM
once you come round and help me silicone
Sun Jun 21, 2009, 02:26 AM
Wed Aug 26, 2009, 12:42 PM
:( I worked/struggled to find work all year on a working "holiday" in the USA and didn't get one....
Fri Aug 28, 2009, 11:38 AM
:( I worked/struggled to find work all year on a working "holiday" in the USA and didn't get one....
Bummer !
Fri Aug 28, 2009, 11:39 AM
P.S Nick
you could at least spell my name right !!
You loser :P
Fri Aug 28, 2009, 02:24 PM
oops sorry Thomo
hehe mate i wont meet you at the lfs , too tired for that drive! :)
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