View Full Version : Worms?
Sun Jan 30, 2005, 08:15 AM
I recently purtchased discus and they are going well. Well fed etc. However I was siphoning the sand and there was a few white thin (maybe worms) lookingh things. I have not dewormed and I was wondering how to do this as a precaution. What is the name, cost, and method of deworming? It is only a precaution as I am yet to see any of my discus poo so I am not positive it could be uneaten food.
Sun Jan 30, 2005, 09:51 AM
Probably just planaria. Although I believe they are a distant cousin of flukes they are actually harmless. I believe planaria usually quickly multiply when there is is excess food in the tank. Also I think they can divide and grow if cut. There is a biological term for that. Anyway this is all off the top of my head as I recently researched them a month ago, as something similar occurred in one of my tanks. Best think to do is make sure you are not overfeeding, make sure you are cleaning out all excess food waste and syphon the buggers out to remove them.
I did a very light treatment with prazi and they disappeared.
Sun Jan 30, 2005, 11:14 AM
Hi If you want to worm your fish I got some aqua master fluke and tapeworm tablets ( praziquantel ) for $19 from Reynella aquariums Just down the road from flagstaff hill on south road near junk food corner.
Sun Jan 30, 2005, 10:37 PM
Hi it's Anthony here "I do some work at Reynella Aquariums" if you have purchased live black works before (ever) it would be them, they tend to reproduce within your aquarium environment and this is quite fine :). But having said this it is good to worm your discus anyway every few months. Here is the moethod i have used succesfully in the past:
When i worm fish i put in 3 worm feeders (2 at either end and one in the middle), disolve the tablets in a container with water, put live blackworms in the feeders, then when the fish are scoffing out pour the treatment in the feeders. This allows the treatment to get into the stomach of the fish. If treatment doesn't get into the stomach the treatment won't work. You don't have to use live blackworms but ive found that most fish scoff it down.
If you have any problems e-mail me at
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