View Full Version : Salt Dip/Salt Bath

Sun Apr 26, 2009, 10:17 AM
Could you please explain how to conduct each - how much salt to how much water, time etc.
What exactly does a salt treatment achieve? Is it safe? (if not conducted on scaleless fish)
I am planning on medicating my angel who hasnt been eating for a while - maybe something internal? I thought a salt dip might help it. Also my dwarf gourami who has developed a mysterious red ulcer that no one is quite sure what it is.
What do you guys think?


Sun Apr 26, 2009, 10:34 AM
Salt dips are for removing external parasites, it won't affect internal problems.

Mon May 04, 2009, 02:33 AM
Your gourami is most probably suffering from Iridovirus. A disease mainly with colia Ialia. Very contagious to other Colia. May efect some other gourami but not other species. Hav a read at [/url] Http:WWW.Practicalfishkeeping.co.uk./pages/Items.php?news=1139 It is hard to find a lfs that stocks clean D/G. If you find one let me know.

Mon May 04, 2009, 04:36 AM
hi Hollowan

what is the rate for salt dip for Discus when treating them with external parasites ??


Mon May 04, 2009, 10:00 AM
Hi JT, try this:

Salt dip:
2 tablespoons per gallon water. ANY salt so long as ther are no anti-clog additives. Iodised salt is safe, cooking salt is cheaper.

Mix in a clean bucket with water of the same temp or from the tank. Net fish and place into bucket. After 30 mins remove back to clean water, if the fish rolls before the 30 minutes is up then remove it straight away to clean water.

The fish may end up looking a bit sorry for itself, producing extra mucus, but it will be fine. This treatment can be done once a day for 3 days, depending on how your fish is.
