View Full Version : refer discus world anyone?
Fri Apr 24, 2009, 11:22 AM
howdy everyone, just wondering if anybody can personally recomend discus world as a place to purchace quality fish.
I recently purchaced a dozen one inch size discus from a bloke in culcita street in the redland bay area Brisbane.
After getting the fish in my tanks i could easily notice bad deformities among eight of them. The remaining fish are starting to show signs of deformities. The bloke was a real arss and a refund was out of the question- a hard earnd $500 quid gone!
To me i wouldnt want to sell crappy second rate & deformed fish for fear of earning a bad reputation... but i suppose it takes all types hey :?
appreciate any replies
Mark in Lismore N.S.W
Fri Apr 24, 2009, 05:29 PM
Lesson leanrt unfortunately. :cry:
Fish of that size should never be sold imo, still way too young and prone to disease. My fry would still be with the parents at that size. Obviously the seller was a man with no moral fibre, in it for a quick buck and to get rid of fish that should have been culled.
Sorry Mark, this guy took advantage of someone who didn't know better.
Sat Apr 25, 2009, 01:53 AM
all the feed back on this site for discus world has been nothing but 100% positive
Sat Apr 25, 2009, 05:33 AM
all the feed back on this site for discus world has been nothing but 100% positive
Tue Apr 28, 2009, 05:17 AM
why did you buy them if they were too small........ and why not look for the deformities before purchase.........sometimes the question isn't " why did he sell me dud fish? why did i buy them? if people were more picky upon purchase, there would be no market for these fish?... buying young fry is always a gamble, and should be done with care........
Tue Apr 28, 2009, 08:40 AM
agreed rex,
but sometimes, people don't know what to look for in discus - they see a discus with big eyes and think its pretty (like my fiance does) - they see a discus with peppering and think its unusual - a lot of people don't get info on the fish they buy, before they buy them- just like most people don't look into the place their clothes are made - or they don't check out the mechanic that services their car before they have a service - sometimes we trust the resellers - we should be able to do this - but the resellers aren't always honest and most are only after a quick buck - people should not be blamed for their naivety, instead, i blame the shop keepers for their ignorance and selfishness.
Tue Apr 28, 2009, 12:39 PM
Thanks for the replys guys.
As some of you pointed out i should have been more carefull and critical when it came to buying these little fellas.
I also noticed those of you who blamed yours truly come from inner city areas where choice of selection is vast. Unfortunatly where i come from there is no breeders of discus fish within a seven hour drive and the aquarium shops very rarely stock any discus letalone a decent quantity from which to select the ones i want.
Another thing is the seller was a cunning little mutt. For instance his beautiful breeders (stunning) were in highly lit tanks but the fry and growout tanks were very dim also he netted fish out and asked if i liked them- they looked fine but the deformities are all gill orientated so were not noticed.
Not trying to be rude fellas but its hard for the novice who's only ever purchaced a couple of discus from the lfs,+ given where i live to find and purchace goodies. But thanks
Tue Apr 28, 2009, 04:50 PM
You cannot be blamed for buying those fish, apart from not doing your homework. The seller was unscroupulous and greedy. Had you found us earlier, you would have been told that fish can be couriered over the country and you could have got quality fish.
Never mind, you wont make the same mistake as we can help you from now on.
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