View Full Version : New bully... will adding more Discus help?

Wed Apr 22, 2009, 02:35 AM
I had three Discus, one 5" and 2 around 3.5". They got along OK.

They got Discus "plague" a few months ago, and I only saved 2 of them :cry:. But the 5" and one 3.5" recovered fine. I put them a new 60gallon tank all by themselves. Everything seemed fine - they were healthy looking and they hung out together.

After a few weeks though, the smaller one seems to be bullying the larger one. They no longer hang together. It chases the larger one around, away from food, etc.. I'm a little worried. He still looks like he's getting some food, but sometimes he'll hide from the smaller one and get darker. I'm pretty sure he's not sick because sometimes I'll see him out in front and his color looks fine. I think the main problem is the bullying.

I keep reading that Discus should be kept in groups of 6 or more. So, my question is ... If I were to add four or five 2.5"-3" Discus, which I've been wanting to do anyway, is that likely to help? Or will the multiple smaller Discus not distract the bully enough fro the larger one?

I appreciate any help/advice you can give.

Wed Apr 22, 2009, 02:39 AM
Adding ore wont hurt, mabe add another 2 and then 2 more later if you really need to