View Full Version : Catch discus in planted 90g?

Tue Apr 21, 2009, 07:41 PM
Soon i will be removing the discus out of my tank into a ten gallon to treat for worms. i have never wormed, and i a believe some have worms due to some stringy clear/white feces.

so suggestions on catching these buggers in a planted 90g aquarium? i was hoping for a alternative for the net and tear up tank routine(stresses all fish).
-these guys do eat out of my hand but the second i put in a net i know they will flee to the bush. so i was hoping for maybe some natural drowsy stuff that has no chance of hurting my fishums or tank.

Oh, btw any ideas on what to use to worm would be appreciated too. i live in the US so i have no "Big l" any US alternatives? my only ideas are, metro, pp, and Parasite Clear by jungle labs.

Tue Apr 21, 2009, 08:55 PM
They are actually very easy to net... I wouldn't mess around with drugging them unless absolutely necessary.

Once they are in the net I find it is best to put a hand under them (so that they are lying flat in your hand) it stops them from thrashing about and injuring themselves.


Tue Apr 21, 2009, 09:10 PM
Discus are slow swimmers & compared to other fish, easy to net. Big L is levamilsole & I'm sure on other forums, people in the USA have been able to get hold of it. If you have trouble, http://www.2easy.com.au/shop/article.php?article=2090&cat=1245 does ship to USA.

Metro is an antibiotic, so you shouldn't use that unless you know your fish has spiro (hex).

For general worming, you use Levamisole in week 1, prazi week 2 & 3 and then repeat levamisole in week 4. There's a sticky in the med section which goes into more detail.

I have treated my fish in the planted tank with levamisole & prazi. For metro, I'd take the sick fish out for treatment in a smaller QT.

Tue Apr 21, 2009, 09:41 PM
If you net them up instead of behind it is not hard at all. So get your net undeneath them as they are swimming to the top of the tank, no need for chasing. :)

Wed Apr 22, 2009, 03:03 AM
i have done a lot of research and called around even. big l is no where to be found except online. so my alternative is to go to the nearest feed store (about 20m) and find anything with just Levamisole hydrochloride. as far as prazi goes the fish store has that so i will just pick some up there.

any woes?

oh and also ty for all the feedback!!!

Wed Apr 22, 2009, 04:11 AM
oh and btw the reason i don't want to buy online is because i do not wish to pay for the shipping- which is more than the product cost and i don't wish to wait that long!

Wed Apr 22, 2009, 04:15 AM
Hi, you don't need Big L. That's just the brand name. As long as you get Levamisole.

I usually find the cost of the online item saves you enough to cover the average postage charge. If you order a few items at a time, then even more so.

All the best.

Wed Apr 22, 2009, 04:50 PM
As far as catching them goes, you can always lower the water to give them less room to escape :D

Thu Apr 23, 2009, 12:21 AM
well you all were right! i caught them very easily! thank goodness i thought it would be a terror. now im just trying to find a "Big L" alternative for the USA.

check this topic and let me know what you all think
