View Full Version : 77gal starting for cycle, driftwood added..

Mon Apr 20, 2009, 04:19 PM
Hey all, I want to know what you all think, Ive tryed many ways and this is what Ive come up with.
Looking to add thinner branchs that will be suction cupped to the back glass, light weight and will give an over hang branch effect.. well I hope.. :roll:
Will want to add some plant, but just a few. Thant what I need your help with, what do you feel would look good, how many..and where would you put them, if it were you..
As you can see Ive tryed to leave the right side only glass bottom. This I thought could be feeding area, easy for cleanning, well a little easier maybe..but now I will have to move the spraybar to the middle..
what do you think?
throw out some ideas for me..

Mon Apr 20, 2009, 04:25 PM
Im pleased with the driftwood, small piece was $10 and large was $20, got them at cost from the supplier that breeds our store crickets.. great deal..!
I can see I will most definatly need a background..
dammit should have painted it, any suggestions on that..black Im going for..

Mon Apr 20, 2009, 10:55 PM
Hi Sue.

Lovely driftwood, and a great price too :)

I think it is best to keep the substrate and background light so that your discus show the best colours.. I'm a fan of light blue for the background...

Overhanging branches are ideal! The discus love them.

For plants keep to some nice broad leaved swords, for the background... they don't need too much light and they can handle the high temp.. keep the forground clear for ease of cleaning... discus are slow eaters and like to pick at food on the substrate...

Avoid putting a backdrop inside the tank unless it is going to be sealed in with silicon because it could lead to trapped water and waste which could lead to a potentially deadly bacterial build up.



Mon Apr 20, 2009, 10:58 PM
I would fill the entire bottom with substrate leaving the feeding area clear of plants and wood. Then you can gravel vac this area weekly or monthly.

Can I ask why u have choosen a dark substrate and want to add a dark background?

Sounds like your aiming towards a biotype setup so checkout Roberts post here:
The lighter colours and using silica sand are always recommended but not essential.

Tue Apr 21, 2009, 05:15 AM
thanks guys..
I am aiming for the biotype look..yes, light coloured substrate they say is best. not a big fan of sand..
the gravel is 2-3mm its not so, on the dark side as one might suspect in the pic.. it is a nice mixture of light to grey , I do like it very much.
Would it help a bit then if I did go light on the back drop?..
dammit, I know ,I know why didnt I do it before setting it up..long story.. :roll:
also,what plants would work, that can be attached to the branches that will be springing from the back glass down?.. java fern? what would hang down ward along the branch to grow..do you see the look Im after?..
I have a Anubias barteri(nana) I love this plant have to have 1.. and some broad leaf swords..for now( 2, and small)
Im going to see how the glass bottom side does for now, if needed to be I was going tot fill it with very light substrate so there is still the split effect.
going to check out the link you sent me matt, and some more..
thanks guys

Tue Apr 21, 2009, 06:48 AM
Sue the background on my tank is like an adhesive which makes contact to the glass simply via alittle soapy water. It sure beats painting your tank as u might want to change the colour down the track.