View Full Version : Adding discus to an established planted 75 gallon?
20 20
Wed Apr 15, 2009, 12:53 AM
Current stocking list:
6 half-dollar sized angels
2 dwarf neons (1m, 1f)
12 cardinals
10 rummy nose
10 yellow tetra
5 oto's
about 10 amano shrimp.
Filtration is an XP3 and an XP2. Weekly 50% water changes. Injecting CO2, and dosing dry ferts everyday for the plants.
So, some questions... What's the possibility of successfully adding two discus? Is it OK to put 2 discus in a 75 gallon with 6 angels? Current temp hovers between 78 and 80, if I go higher what will the impact to the plants and other fish be?
Opinions and advice (of any kind!) would be greatly appreciated.
20 20
Wed Apr 15, 2009, 12:56 AM
That picture is a bit old, crypts and HC are gone, some of the stem plants have been replaced with other stems, I can get a picture probably tomorrow.
Wed Apr 15, 2009, 04:15 AM
You'll need to do more waterchanges than just weekly no matter what filtration you use, I do daily 40% WCs in my 400L (100g?) tank including daily siphoning.
You should get more than 2 Discus at a time - they're better off/less stressed in a group. Plus that means you might have to cut back on your other fish in there b'cos Angels can get competitive at feeding times in my experience.
Wed Apr 15, 2009, 04:40 AM
whats your temp and NO3? my planted tank runs at 26C (79F) and about 15-20ppm (KNO3 added in dry form).
my discus tanks are ALWAYS 30C (86F) ,NO3 <5 (usually i aim for 0)
discus really arnt suited to a planted tank, if you really want them get rid of the angels and add 4 ADULTS they should do ok.
you'll be playing a never ending game with yourself though, trying to keep your plants and discus happy it can be done but requires ALOT of work.
Wed Apr 15, 2009, 06:12 AM
What Illusn said is spot on. Its a very hard act to balance and your always struggling with one or the other.
+1 for losing the angles and remember. If you purchase adult discus they don't require as many water changes as juvies do.
Wed Apr 15, 2009, 06:49 AM
A planted discus tank is definitely more work, but IMO is do-able. The more experience you have with planted tanks, the more likely you are of success. Firstly, you have to accept your plant choice is reduced. You can only choose plants that can tolerate a minimum of 28-29 degrees. Sites like tropica will help you decide which plants will work. You also are best to only keep adult discus in a planted tank and they will cost you more money than juveniles would.
I have far less experience in keeping discus than either ILLUSN or Matt, but since I began keeping discus in 2006, my main discus display has always been planted.
I've learnt from this forum the importance of QT for all new stock (discus or otherwise) so only fish that have proved to me they have a clean bill of health ever make it in there. All spend nearly 3 months in QT, before they go near the planted tank. I hope I don't jinx myself, but for this reason, my planted tank is the healthiest of my tanks. (I hope I'm not posting here next week, with my tail between my feet, asking for disease help).
2 discus isn't really enough. Unless they are a confirmed pair, discus are schooling fish and you need a larger group.
Wed Apr 15, 2009, 09:25 AM
Hey Jothy & Matt
Meant no disrespect for having a different opinion. Just thought I'd share what has worked for me.
Wed Apr 15, 2009, 09:57 AM
None taken at all Robyn. Thats what this forum is about.... people sharing there experiences. There's never only ONE way to do something. We all have the same goals here... we just take different paths in achieving them.
Might I add too that I certainly don't have MORE experience then yourself. I like to think we are on even pars... :wink:
I also totally agree with what you have said..... :D
Wed Apr 15, 2009, 10:00 AM
How's your planted tank going Matt?
20 20
Wed Apr 15, 2009, 11:41 AM
Thanks for all the replies, I appreciate it. Those were the types of answers I was thinking I would get, so no surprises. At this point I'm going to forget the discus, as I really don't want to change my plant selections, plus I don't want to get rid of the angels.
Again, thanks for the help! :)
Wed Apr 15, 2009, 11:51 AM
no offence taken Robyn, hope we helped 20 20
Wed Apr 15, 2009, 12:23 PM
Thats a shame to hear your not going to challenge yourself with keeping some of the Kings of the Aquarium.
Perhaps once your bored of Angles you'll change your mind.
My tank is going great guns still Robyn. I haven't done alot to it really..... just general mantenance. I am considering selling majority of my discus atm and purchasing some wild juvi's i've sourced. I'll postup some updated pics soon.
Wed Apr 15, 2009, 12:35 PM
Don't mean to hijack 20 20's thread, but I can never resist hearing about wild's. Please show us some pics soon, but in the meantime, which type of wild have you found?
Wed Apr 15, 2009, 12:59 PM
They are Heckels. Its just an idea atm and I would need to sell majority of my current stock.
Wed Apr 15, 2009, 02:21 PM
Well, I will keep my eye out for your new heckel thread, if you decide to do it. It would be sad to sell all those beautiful fish in your sig. They look just too nice to part with IMO. Maybe another tank is called for?
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