View Full Version : Quarantine Tank for fish delivery

Sat Apr 11, 2009, 08:44 AM
Thinking if getting some fish from livefish.com.au - anyone had any success/failure stories from these guys?

I know you need a quarantine tank when you order fish from online. I currently have 480L sponge filter building up bacteria in my main tank, will this be overkill in a 2ft tank? Currently it is rocking the water a bit in my 320L, so will the excess water movements be too stressful for the fish? Also, how long will it take for the bacteria to be fully seeded in the sponge filter? Does the filter have to be running the whole time, or is it still building bacteria by just sitting in the tank? ATM the sponge filter is on for only half the day, switched off at night due to the noise from the air pump.

Anything else i should have ready for the tank?

Sat Apr 11, 2009, 10:11 AM
Thinking if getting some fish from livefish.com.au - anyone had any success/failure stories from these guys?

I know you need a quarantine tank when you order fish from online. I currently have 480L sponge filter building up bacteria in my main tank, will this be overkill in a 2ft tank? Currently it is rocking the water a bit in my 320L, so will the excess water movements be too stressful for the fish? Also, how long will it take for the bacteria to be fully seeded in the sponge filter? Does the filter have to be running the whole time, or is it still building bacteria by just sitting in the tank? ATM the sponge filter is on for only half the day, switched off at night due to the noise from the air pump.

Anything else i should have ready for the tank?

Qt should be a process done when buying any fish, from any source.
A static sponge (no air flow) will take a lot longer to collonise with bacteria than one that is drawing water through it. Several weeks in a mature tank will do it.
You can always put a little clamp over the airline to restrict the airflow so it is not so noisy. I would be running it all the time too.

Sat Apr 11, 2009, 12:39 PM
Given you live in Sydney, why would you purchase your fish online when you have fish shops on your door.
Not only are these fish expensive but your ultimately buying something without seeing it first.

Sat Apr 11, 2009, 03:24 PM
Yes, I am with Matt, better to research first so you know what to look for in a GOOD QUALITY fish, and go see them for yourself. Unless you personally know the seller of this online place, I would give it a miss. Better to contact the sponsors of this site too.