View Full Version : my discus are flicking themselves

Foz in Oz
Fri Jan 28, 2005, 09:29 PM
Hi there,
Can anyone help. My discus are flicking themselves of plants driftwood etc. I have treated for whitespot and velvet but to no avail. In the process i lost a female bn catfish (which had just mated, 6 babies). I think I lost her because of the treatment. It was the multi-treatment for the two diseases which was green and the sand stone i have has soaked it up. I think when she was eating the algea it killed her. Anyway my discus any ideas on the flicking? Thanks

Sat Jan 29, 2005, 04:53 PM
Hi there:
Check your water quality...
Make sure that there are no Chlorine/Chloramines...
If that's the case, treat and age your water before change...

Don't treat for any external infection, as the case is really rare, since you do WCs daily...

Stop the medication imme. Change 80% water...do 25% WC everyday for next 2 days...
Stop fert dosing...
Things will be normal...