View Full Version : A.bitaeniata Eggs Discovered
Tue Apr 07, 2009, 08:09 AM
I have just discovered the eggs of my A.bitaeniata (first spawn) all neatly adhered to the walls & ceiling of their cave :D My fingers are well and truly crossed.
I have been slowly conditioning the tank and believed the PH to be too high - its a shade above nuetral - so hopefully all will be fine. hmm, I think I'd better go relocate the bristlenose juvies in there :!:
have a good Easter all
Thu Apr 16, 2009, 11:44 AM
why would you add bristlenose into the tank? what is the positive effect that this will have? have you tried the oak leaves to lower their pH yet? Let me know how the fish's behaviour change with the addition of the leaves.
Thu Apr 16, 2009, 03:35 PM
G'day Kristina
I had 4 Calico longfin bristenose maturing in this tank prior to the addition of the Apistogramma. Apistos are very protective parents who will attack any fish deemed a threat to their fry. Bristlenose catfish posses very sharp barbs which can injure the attacking fish. I have had Apistogramma injure themselves when attempting to ward off bristlenose and such injuries are best avoided so.....I shall relocate the bristlenose as the apistogramma are spawning.
By the way the eggs no longer exist and I have no fry so.....its back to the drawing board as they say.
Fri Apr 17, 2009, 03:27 AM
apologies, hassles, I read the original post wrong. You said that you were relocating the bristlenose in there, and I read it that you were moving some bristlenose into the tank rather than moving them out. Simple mistake. yes, I know your eggs have gone :( but good luck with the gibbiceps! at least you had a tank this time! maybe you should start seperating your pairs and get a new tank just for the females to hang out in between spawns. hahahaha.
Sun Apr 19, 2009, 01:25 PM
Hey hassles,
Dun forget about my Bitaeniata male!! I need just one little male!
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